英语听书《海底两万里》第430期 第26章 大头鲸和长须鲸(11)(在线收听

 Often, no longer seeing any way out, I thought we were imprisoned for good, but Captain Nemo, guided by his instincts, discovered new passageways from the tiniest indications.  有时看不见通路了,我想我们是定作了俘虏了;可是本能领导着他,根据一些轻微的迹象,足摩船长就可以发现新的通路。

He was never wrong when he observed slender threads of bluish water streaking through these ice fields.  他注视那在冰田上显出来的一条一条淡蓝色细水纹,他决不至搞错。
Accordingly, I was sure that he had already risked his Nautilus in the midst of the Antarctic seas. 所以,我心中并不怀疑他是已经驾驶诺第留斯号,在这南极海水中探过险的。
However, during the day of March 16, these tracts of ice completely barred our path.  但是,在8月15日那天,层层的冰群完全把我们的路挡住了。
It wasn't the Ice Bank as yet, just huge ice fields cemented together by the cold.  这还不是真正的冰山,只是寒冷冻结起来的阔大冰地。
This obstacle couldn't stop Captain Nemo, and he launched his ship against the ice fields with hideous violence.  这种障碍物不能阻止尼摩船长,诺第留斯号用猛烈怕人的力量向冰地冲去。
The Nautilus went into these brittle masses like a wedge, splitting them with dreadful cracklings.  像楔子一般穿进这粉未的块团中,响得伯人的破裂声把冰块划开了。
It was an old-fashioned battering ram propelled with infinite power.  那是古代的攻城机,被无穷大的力量推动一样。
Hurled aloft, ice rubble fell back around us like hail.  冰的碎片投射到高空,像雹子那样在我们周围落下。
Through brute force alone, the submersible carved out a channel for itself.  单单由于它本身所有的推动力,我们的船就挖出一条水路。
Carried away by its momentum, the ship sometimes mounted on top of these tracts of ice and crushed them with its weight, or at other times, when cooped up beneath the ice fields, it split them with simple pitching movements, creating wide punctures. 有时,由于它力量的凶猛,它爬到冰田上来,它的重量压碎了冰地,或偶然套在冰地下,它就用简单的摇摆动作,把冰分开,造成阔大的裂口。