英语听书《海底两万里》第448期 第27章 南极(7)(在线收听

 The next day, March 20, it stopped snowing.  第二天,3月20日,风雪停了。

The cold was a little more brisk.  天气比较寒冷一些,
The thermometer marked -2 degrees centigrade.  温度表是零下二度。
The mist had cleared, and on that day I hoped our noon sights could be accomplished. 浓雾散开,我希望今天我们的方位观察可以做出来。
Since Captain Nemo hadn't yet appeared, only Conseil and I were taken ashore by the skiff.  尼摩船长还没有出来,小艇先载了康塞尔和我,把我们送到陆地上去。
The soil's nature was still the same: volcanic.  地上的土质跟前面一样,是火山形成的。
Traces of lava, slag, and basaltic rock were everywhere, but I couldn't find the crater that had vomited them up.  到处都是火山喷发物,火山岩,玄武岩的遗迹,但我没有看见喷出这些岩石来的火口。
There as yonder, myriads of birds enlivened this part of the polar continent.  这里跟前面一样,有无数的鸟类给南极大陆这一部分添了生动活泼的气象。
But they had to share their dominion with huge herds of marine mammals that looked at us with gentle eyes.  但同时跟亡们一齐领有这块土地的,还有一大群海中哺乳类动物,这些动物拿它们的温和眼光盯着我们。
These were seals of various species, some stretched out on the ground, others lying on drifting ice floes, several leaving or reentering the sea.  那是各种不同的海豹。有的躺在地上,有的睡在倾斜的冰块上,有些又从海中上来,或回到海中去。
Having never dealt with man, they didn't run off at our approach, and I counted enough of them thereabouts to provision a couple hundred ships. 它们看见我们近前,并不逃走,因为它们从没有跟人打过交道,我看这里的海豹很多,可以装载好几百艘船。