英语听书《海底两万里》第460期 第28章 惊奇还是意外(2)(在线收听

 As a precaution, the panels in the lounge stayed closed, because the Nautilus's hull could run afoul of some submerged block of ice.  为了谨慎起见,客厅的嵌板完全关闭起来。这是因为诺第留斯号船壳可能碰到一些沉在水中的冰块。

So I spent the day putting my notes into final form.  因此,我这一天的时间完全在整理我的笔记。
My mind was completely wrapped up in my memories of the pole.  我心中总是想着在南极点的情形。
We had reached that inaccessible spot without facing exhaustion or danger, as if our seagoing passenger carriage had glided there on railroad tracks.  我到达了这个人迹不到的地点,不觉得疲倦,没有任何危险,就像火车厢在铁轨上溜过去一样,
And now we had actually started our return journey.  现在是归途了。
Did it still have comparable surprises in store for me?  还有什么相类似的新鲜惊奇的事等待着我吗?
I felt sure it did, so inexhaustible is this series of underwater wonders!  我想还有,海底神奇真是层出不穷呢!
As it was, in the five and a half months since fate had brought us on board, we had cleared 14,000 leagues, and over this track longer than the earth's equator, so many fascinating or frightening incidents had beguiled our voyage:  可是,自从偶然的讥会把我们送到这只船上的五个半月来,我们已经走了一万四千里,在这比地球赤道线还长的旅途上,有多少或新奇或可怕的偶然事件使得我们的旅行惊心动魄,兴味无穷呀。
that hunting trip in the Crespo forests, our running aground in the Torres Strait, the coral cemetery, the pearl fisheries of Ceylon, the Arabic tunnel, the fires of Santorini, those millions in the Bay of Vigo, Atlantis, the South Pole!  克列斯波林中打猎,托列斯海峡搁浅,珊瑚墓地,锡兰采珠,阿拉伯海底地道,桑多林火海,维哥湾亿万金银,大西洋洲,南极!
During the night all these memories crossed over from one dream to the next, not giving my brain a moment's rest. 夜间,所有这些忆念,梦一般连续过去,使我的脑子一刻也不能安歇。
At three o'clock in the morning, I was awakened by a violent collision.  早晨三点,我被一下猛烈的冲击惊醒。