美国小学英语教材3:第78课 玩具谷的幸运男孩(6)(在线收听

 For a minute Franz was not sure that he wanted to sell his animals. 一时间弗朗茨也不确定自己想不想卖掉他所刻的动物了。

He had worked very hard making them, and he loved every one. 毕竟这些动物是他花了好多功夫雕刻出来的,每一个他都喜欢。
"Why, Franz!" said John, "perhaps it is a luck knife, after all." 嗨,弗朗茨!约翰说,可能那真是一把带有好运的刀。
Then Franz smiled, for suddenly the thought came to him that he could make many more animals. 弗朗茨笑了笑,他突然想到他还可以做出更多的动物。
"Yes, take them," he said to the child. 可以,拿走它们吧,他对孩子说。
When the little boy went back to the city, he took the wooden animals with him. 小男孩回城市的时候,他带走了动物木雕。
Other children there saw the toys and wanted some like them. 城里其他孩子看到这些玩具也想要。
Letters asking for the little animals came faster than Franz could make them. 索求动物木雕的信多的让弗朗茨忙不过来。
So other people in the valley took up the work. 山谷里的其他人便承接了这些工作。
Soon many men and boys were making wooden animals. 很快许多大人和孩子便刻起了动物木雕。
The work grew and grew as the years went by. 一年又一年,这项生意也越做越大,越做越多。
After a while the valley became known as Toy Valley. 过了一段时间以后,这个山谷变成了著名的玩具谷。
From it toys were sent all over the country and even to lands far away. 许多玩具由此送往全国乃至很远很远的地方。
Then Franz knew indeed that his knife had been a luck gift. 这个时候弗朗茨明白了自己的小刀的确是件幸运礼物。
It is two hundred years since Franz began his whittling, but the people of Toy Valley are still making the little animals. 自弗朗茨开始雕刻以来,已经过去200年了,但是玩具谷的人们还在做着小动物的雕像。
At Christmas time stores are filled with toys from Franz's valley. 圣诞节的时候,商店里摆满了来自弗朗茨山谷里的玩具。
Thousands of children all over the world have been made happy because of a little boy's whittling. 世界各地成千上万的孩子们因为一个小男孩的木雕而十分开心。