美联社新闻一分钟 AP 美朝官员开会讨论领导人峰会(在线收听


This is AP News Minute.

US and North Korean officials are holding their most substantive meetings yet, ahead of the planned summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un. The President confirmed that a top North Korean official is heading to the US for talks with Secretary of State, Mike Pumpeo.

President Trump held a campaign rally in Nashville, Tennessee. He called House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi an MS-13 lover, referring to the violent criminal gang.

The ALberto storm system is pouring rain on a number of states, triggering flood watches. The rain is blamed for thousands of power outages in Alabama.

And a Las Vegas jury found illusionist David Copperfield was negligent when British tourist Gavin Cox was hurt during a 2013 magic show. However, the jury ruled Cox was responsible for his own injuries and can't seek financial damages.

Matt Small, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.
