向前一步:第99期 如何找到你的人生导师(13)(在线收听

   Junior women and senior men often avoid engaging in mentoring or sponsoring relationships out of fear of what others might think. 在职场上,资历较浅的女性和资历较深的男性常因顾忌他人的眼光而避免建立指导或赞助的关系。

  A study published by the Center for Work-Life Policy and the Harvard Business Review  美国工作—生活政策中心和《哈佛商业评论》公布的一项研究显示,
  reported that 64 percent of men at the level of vice president and above are hesitant to have a one-on-one meeting with a more junior woman. 副总裁级别以上的男性中有64%的人对于一对一会见基层女性员工心有顾虑,
  For their part, half of the junior women avoided close contact with senior men. 而在基层女性员工中则有一半人会避免与高层男性有直接接触。
  This evasiveness must end. 这种躲躲闪闪的状态必须结束了。
  Personal connections lead to assignments and promotions, so it needs to be okay for men and women to spend informal time together the same way men can. 人际关系会影响职务分配与晋升,所以男女同事在非正式场合像男性之间那样相处应该是可以的。
  A senior man and junior man at a bar is seen as mentoring. 一位高层男性和一位基层男性坐在酒吧里可以被看作是导师与被指导者;
  A senior man and a junior woman at a bar can also be mentoring ... but it looks like dating. 一位高层男性与一位基层女性坐在酒吧里也可以被看作是导师与被指导者……但他们看上去更像是在约会。
  This interpretation holds women back and creates a double bind. 这样的解读会让女性退缩,陷入两难。
  If women try to cultivate a close relationship with a male sponsor, they risk being the target of workplace gossip. 如果女性想要与一位男性赞助者发展比较密切的关系,就得面临被传出绯闻的风险;
  If women try to get to the top without a sponsor's help, their careers will often stall. 如果女性试图在没有赞助者支持的情况下进入领导层,事业的发展往往会停滞。
  We cannot assume that interactions between men and women have a sexual component. 我们不能预设男女间的交流一定会涉及性问题,
  And everyone involved has to make sure to behave professionally so women—and men—feel safe in all settings. 但每个人都必须保证自己行为得体,这样在任何情况下女性和男性都会感到比较安全。