留美老师带你每日说英文 第943期:成为更快乐的人(在线收听

 To be a happier person, you can't let your view of the world be determined by news headlines because as long as bad events haven't vanished from the face of the earth, they'll always be enough of them to fill the news.

1.determine 决定,下决心
determine (v.) 决定,下决心
decide (v.) 决定,下决心
2.vanish 消失;绝迹
vanish (v.) 消失;绝迹
disappear (v.) 消失;绝迹
3.face 面向;面临
face (v.) 面向;面临
encounter (v.) 遭遇;遇到
confront (v.) 面临;遭遇;对抗
4.fill 填满;使充满
fill (v.) 填满;使充满
load (v.) 装载
stuff (v.) 装;填;塞