留美老师带你每日说英文 第947期:宗教信仰正在变化(在线收听

 The religious profile of the world is changing. But even in areas where religious affiliation is declining, spirituality is not. America has become less religious in recent years. But the percentage of non-religious Americans, who say they often feel spiritual has risen.

1.religious 宗教的;虔诚的
religious (adj.) 宗教的;虔诚的
religion (n.) 宗教
2.profile 人物简介;侧面像
profile (n.) 人物简介;侧面像
portrait (n.) 肖像,画像
portfolio (n.) 作品集
3.affiliation 联系;从属关系
affiliation (n.) 联系;从属关系
connection (n.) 联系;关系
junction (n.) 连接,汇合
4.decline 下降;减少;婉拒
decline (v.) 下降;减少;婉拒
decrease (v.) 减少
increase (v.) 增加
5.spirituality 精神上的事情;灵性
spirituality (n.) 精神上的事情;灵性
spiritual (adj.) 心灵的;神圣的