绿野仙踪 第71期:神奇的翡翠城(6)(在线收听

 But what interested Dorothy was the big throne of green marble that stood in the middle of the room.  使得多萝茜最有兴趣的,是放在屋子中央的一张巨大的绿色大理石宝座。

It was shaped like a chair and sparkled with gems, as did everything else.  形状像一只椅子,也像其他的东西一样,闪着宝石的光。
In the center of the chair was an enormous Head, without a body to support it or any arms or legs whatever.  在椅子的正中,是一个非常巨大的头,没有身体支持它,就是手或脚什么也都没有。
There was no hair upon this head, but it had eyes and a nose and mouth, and was much bigger than the head of the biggest giant. 这个头,没有头发,只有一双眼睛和鼻子及嘴巴,大得比最大的巨人的头还要大。
As Dorothy gazed upon this in wonder and fear, the eyes turned slowly and looked at her sharply and steadily.  正当多萝茜在惊奇和恐惧中凝视着时,那一只眼睛慢慢地转动着,尖锐地坚定地注视着她。
Then the mouth moved, and Dorothy heard a voice say: 于是那嘴巴也动了,多萝茜听到一个声音说:
"I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you, and why do you seek me?" “我是伟大的可伯的奥芝。你是谁?为什么要来找我?”
It was not such an awful voice as she had expected to come from the big Head; so she took courage and answered: 这声音不是像她预料着的,从那张大嘴巴里发出来的一个大声音,所以她壮了壮胆子,回答说:
"I am Dorothy, the Small and Meek. I have come to you for help." “我是渺小的温和的多萝茜。我为了请求帮助,才跑到你这里来。”
The eyes looked at her thoughtfully for a full minute. Then said the voice: 那一双眼睛,沉思地注视着她足足有一分钟。于是那声音说道:
"Where did you get the silver shoes?" “你在什么地方得到这一双银鞋子的?”
"I got them from the Wicked Witch of the East, when my house fell on her and killed her," she replied. 她回答说:“当我的屋子掉在东方的恶女巫的身上,杀死了她的时候,我便从那里得到了这鞋子。”
"Where did you get the mark upon your forehead?" continued the voice. 声音继续地说:“你在什么地方得到了你额上的记号?”
"That is where the Good Witch of the North kissed me when she bade me good-bye and sent me to you," said the girl. “当那位北方的善女巫同我说再会,她吻了我,要我到你这里来的时候,才有的。”小女孩子说。