访谈录 Interview 2007-06-14&06-16, 永远的里根总统(在线收听

"General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall..."

It still gives you a chill, doesn't it? It was 20 years ago today that Ronald Reagan made that famous speech in West Germany. The Berlin Wall soon came down and Eastern Europe was on the path to freedom. Albanian, savoring that freedom this week and praising President Bush. Dan Rather covered that historical speech as a network news anchor. He is currently the global correspondent for HDNET. So Dan, you've made a lot of news recently talking about what's happening over CBS, we are going to talk about that in just a minute. But first we wanna talk about that famous state 20 years ago. Did you realize when you heard Ronald Reagan said that how significant it was?

No, I did realize that was a very good speech, very well delivered, and said to myself at that time this, you know, it may go down as one of the better speeches made by an American president in my lifetime. Franklin Roosevelt’s we have nothing to fear, but fear itself. John Kennedy soon..

He made the speech and John Kennedy at the same hall.

Exactly, and I thought of that day Ronald Reagan made his address. But just think about Ronald Reagon, and even people who don't like him or his policies agreed that he was able to articulate American ideas and ideals and his policies extraordinarily well. President Eisenhower whose stock has been rising was not a great orator. He made one of the best speeches, in my mind, as American President when he warned about the military industrial complex since he left office. But I have no way of knowing out, I didn't know at that time, how significant the speech would be.

Did you think Ronald Reagan, a lot of critics of President Reagan at the time, thought that he was naive. They said he is a nice guy, but I think amiable fool was what Clark Clifford once said about him. Did you think the same of him?

No, I didn't. Partly because I'd met him, I was not an enemy of Reagan’s

You knew he is...

I interviewed him a couple of minutes when he was governor of California. And I knew that was not true. And you know, worth remembering is the wall didn't come down for what, another five or six years at least came after that.

Yeah, but what Reagan did at the beginning of his presidency, all of his experts said, you gotta do day-talk, you gotta do this. Thus he said, I wanna do something very simple, I wanna win the cold war. That simple, how did he say it as a wholly miracle. This guy knows what he was getting into. But he set out to do exactly that.

Well, again this is one of Ronald Reagan's strengths. He is very easy to say," well, of course he is an actor, a good speaker. But he knew what he believe, whether you agree with or not, and he came into (he stuck to his guns) the presidency with about four things that he wanted to accomplish. And one was he wanted to give new vigor to the long standing American foreign policy, both Democratic and Republic administrations, but we have to stand firm towards the Soviet Union. But he mentioned they talked, there was a whole school of diplomatic thoughts running through both Democratic and Republican Parties, what he had to do, is to make nice with them. And this speech made it absolutely clear that it was not in Ronald Reagan's mind...

He did meet with Soviet leaders, he went direct. But he walked out when he didn’t get things when he thought that they were pulling the war oversize. In reck of it, for example.

Well, and … and this showed that he was sophisticated. And a lot of people will guffaw, when I am using that word in connection with Ronald Reagan. But he was very sophisticated in his own thinking, partly because he knew what he wanted, and he felt that winning the Cold War was one of the, if not the most important things he had to do.

And he outflanked the Soviets. I mean he spent a lot more than they could possibly spent in building up the armament. I mean, he outflanked them in Central American, he founded solidarity in the wholly freedom projects in Eastern Europe like no other president had done.

Well, that is true. And I do believe if Ronald Reagan were here, he would say all of that is true. But keep in mind, that we had a national consensus, we had a national commitment, we had national unity. Whatever your Party, that we are going to win the Cold War. And what he did was built on appreciating 40 years or so of a bipartisan commitment to defeating the Soviet Communism. And he was a very important player to say the least in making it happen today.