访谈录 Interview 2007-06-29&07-01, 变性人:性VS性别(在线收听

I was born female and at pretty much my entire life felt male.

I have never been a boy. I am being exactly who I am just as the creator created me to be.

I think God made me exactly what you wanted.

Ian, Lauren, Cydne, three different people with unique personalities, vocations, and interests, but they each have at least two things in common. All three describe themselves as transgender and believed that who you see when you look at them is who they were meant to be.

Ian was born a biological female, Lauren and Cydne, biological males.

I came out as a lesbian at age 15 because I liked girls. That worked for me a little bit for a while, but I started to say, you know, I don't really feel like a lesbian either. I don't feel like I belong in this group of people.

According to the American Psychological Association, transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people who sense of themselves as male or female differs from their birth sex. The transgender community in large doesn't believe that being transgender is a psychological issue.

I think, one of the biggest misconceptions that we have is that people who are transgender are confused, even though we are, you know, out of the stage of being a psychological disability. It's still perceived as being someone who was not quite right.

They say another misconception is the transgender persons are gay. Zack and Christina are transgender couple who have been in their relationship for at least seven years. They explain the difference.

So a lot of people confuse being transgender with sexual, sexual orientation.

Gender is between the ears. Sexuality is between the legs.

And so there is no confusion.

In our relationship, he is the man, and I am the girl. It's not. These are roles that are never reversed, even in the bedroom.

Members of the transgender community say they wanna be respected as the men and women they are without prejudice or judgment.

We need to take another look at transgenderism for what it is and realize that it's just another segment of people that are discriminated against.

We are gonna come into this world, you know, whether they like it or not, and I just like to hope that people will learn to challenge the way they think and to try to live peacefully with us and maybe learn something from us.


umbrella term : an umbrella term is a word that provides a superset or grouping of related concepts, also called a hypernym.