【大家说英语】 第427期:偷糖果的小偷(在线收听

 I am waiting outside Ms. White's home. A boy runs past me. 我在怀特女士的住所外面等候。一个小男孩从我身边跑过。

He is tossing a baseball into the air and catching it. 他把一个棒球仍向空中,然后再接住。
He is wearing a baseball uniform. 他穿的是一件棒球队队服。
He shouts, "Number twenty wins the game! I am the homerun hero!" 他大喊道:“20号赢得了这场比赛!我是全垒打英雄!”
I see the back of his uniform. It only has a two on it. 我看了看他队服的背面。上面只有一个2。
Ms. White comes to the door and lets me in. 之后怀特夫人打开了房门,让我进到了屋里。
"Thank you for coming. Please come in," she says. 她说道:“感谢你能来。请进。”
"A thief broke my window. But he didn't take anything valuable." “有一个小偷打碎了我的玻璃。但是他没有拿走任何有价值的东西。”
"Did he take anything at all?" I ask. 我问道:“她有拿走什么东西吗?”
"He took some candy. It was next to the broken window!" “他就是拿走了一些糖果。糖果就在被打碎的玻璃旁边。”
"Were you home when this happened?" I ask her. 我问她:“事发时你在家吗?”
"Yes, I heard a loud noise. Maybe he threw a rock to break the window." She says. 她说道:“在家,我听到了一声巨响。也许他是拿石头打碎玻璃的。”
I look around. But there is no rock. 我四处看了看,但是并没有发现石头。
So I look outside. I find something. 于是我向外看去。我发现了些东西。
But it's not a rock. It is the number zero. 但是那不是一块石头。而是数字0。
"Something broke your window, Ms. White. But it wasn't a rock," I say. 我说道:“怀特女士,是有什么东西打碎了你的窗户。但是并不是一块石头。”
"And the thief left something of his own." “而且那个小偷也留下了自己的东西。”
"What do you mean, Mr. E? Do you know who it was?" she asks. 她问道:“E先生,你的话是什么意思?你知道小偷是谁吗?”
"I do. The homerun hero lost his zero." I say. 我说道:“我知道。全垒打英雄丢失了他的0。”