【大家说英语】 第432期:哪家咖啡店更棒(1)(在线收听

 Hi, Ben! I smell coffee. 嗨,本!我闻到了咖啡的味道。

Yes, you do. I'm drinking coffee. 是的,你闻得没错。我在喝咖啡。
Where did you get it? 你从哪里买的?
I always get coffee at my favorite coffee shop. 我一般都是在我最喜欢的咖啡店买咖啡。
Which one is that? 那是哪一家呢?
The Coffee Bean. It's on First Street. I just drive up and buy coffee. 香啡缤咖啡店。就在第一街。我会开车去那里买咖啡。
That's convenient. Is the coffee good? 太方便了。他们的咖啡味道好吗?
It's great! 非常棒!
Do you like cream in your coffee, Rob? 罗布,你喜欢在咖啡里加奶油吗?
No. I drink it black. 不。我都喝黑咖啡。
Me, too. And I have a new favorite coffee shop. 我也是。我有一家喜欢的新咖啡店。
Which one? 是哪家?
The Coffee Pot. Their coffee is great! I can't drink any other coffee now. 咖啡壶咖啡店。他们的咖啡真的很棒!我现在都不喝其他的咖啡了。
Ben likes the Coffee Bean's coffee. 本喜欢香啡缤咖啡店的咖啡。
I can take him to the Coffee Pot. He can try their coffee. 我可以带他去咖啡壶咖啡店。他可以尝试一下他们的咖啡。
This is the Coffee Pot. What do you think? 这就是咖啡壶咖啡店。你觉得怎么样?
It's a nice shop. There are many places to sit. And the coffee smells good. 一家不错的咖啡店。有很多座位可以坐。并且咖啡闻起来也很好。
The coffee is very good! Try it! 他们的咖啡非常好!试一试吧!
OK, I want a large coffee. 好的,我要来一大杯的。
Do you want regular coffee? A mocha? Or a cappuccino? 你想喝普通咖啡吗?还是摩卡,或者是卡普奇诺?
Regular coffee is fine. 普通咖啡就行。
Great. We can both have large coffees. 好的。我们都可以点大杯咖啡。