舌尖上的中国第1季 第2期:自然的馈赠(2)(在线收听

 Zhuoma and her mother will hike to the ancient forest 20 kilometers away. 穿过村庄,母女俩要步行走进20公里之外的原始森林。

Even to the villagers familiar with the forest, to find matsutake is completely by luck. 即使对于熟悉森林的村民,捡拾松茸也是一项凭运气的劳动。
High grade matsutake hides deep in the earth. 品质高的松茸都隐藏在土层之下。
The mother is looking for a pit she concealed two days ago. 妈妈找寻着两天前亲手掩藏过的菌坑。
Under the earth, a new matsutake is growing.But it's small due to a lack of rain. 沙壤土层中果然又长出了新的松茸。可惜今年雨水不足松茸太小。
My mother cares more about looking for matsutake than her own health. 妈妈就是不会注意自己的身体,光顾着找松茸。
I'm a little worried that one day she might faint while in the mountain.She is getting old. 我就是有一点担心,有一天她头晕倒在山上。毕竟她已经岁数大了。
Yak butter fried matsutake is common in the matsutake production area. 酥油煎松茸,在松茸产地更常见。
Melt yak butter in a black clay pan, then add the slices of matsutake. 用黑陶土锅溶化酥油,放上切好的松茸生片。
The slices are dried rapidly in hot oil, and the fragrance is released. 油温使松茸表面的水分迅速消失,香气毕现。
Such luxurious food materials need only to be cooked simply. 高端的食材往往只需要采用最朴素的烹饪方式。
Tibetans didn't like matsutake before, because of its strange taste. 以前藏族人都不爱吃松茸,嫌它的味儿怪。
Matsutake used to be very cheap, but recent years, its price has shot up. 原来的松茸也就几毛钱一斤,可是这几年松茸身价飞升。
To earn 10,000 yuan in one summer, herdsmen have to work hard in the rainy season. 一个夏天上万元的收入使牧民在雨季里变得异常辛苦。
Matsutake prices are strictly based on grades. 松茸收购恪守严格的等级制度。
The Matsutake products are divided into 48 grades before being sold. 48个不同的级别,从第一手的产地就要严格区分。
This one can be rated as Grade 1.It's quite good and big. 这个菌子是一级菌。相当好的,相当大的。
Matsutake can keep fresh for 3 days at most,so merchants process it as delicately and as quickly as possible. 松茸保鲜的极限是三天,商人们以最快的速度对松茸进行精致的加工。
A matsutake like this can be originally purchased for 80 yuan. 这样一只松茸在产地的收购价是80元。
And 6 hours later, it will appear at a super market in Tokyo priced at 700 yuan. 6个小时之后,它就会以700元的价格出现在东京的超级市场中。
Zhuoma is waiting with the crowds.She is anxious because her matsutake isn't so good. 卓玛挤在人群中。上午捡来的松茸品质一般,她心里很着急。
Others reaped much more matsutake than I did, so I'm quite uneasy and anxious. 我看到别人比我采得多的时候,我的心里还是挺慌的心急。