生活英语听力文章 第16期:做自己的粉丝(2)(在线收听

 Remember that self-talk influences every aspect of our lives. 记住,自我暗示影响我们生活的方方面面。

Positive self-talk translates into positive self-esteem. Negative self-talk does just the opposite. 积极的自我暗示,转化为积极的自尊。消极的自我对话却恰恰相反。
You may want to re-read the posts, The Power of Self-Talk, Being Honest With Ourselves and I Said It and I Meant It to reinforce how you are the one in control of your internal dialog. 你可能想要重读一遍这些文章,《自我暗示的力量》,《对自己诚实》,《我说话算数》,从而强化自己控制心灵的内在对话的能力。
If you are struggling with a low self-image, I challenge you to write down everything you do in the course of a day that contributes to making you a better person. 如果你正苦苦挣扎于低落的自我形象,我向你提出挑战,记录一天过程中你所做的一切,这有助于改善自身。
Carry a small note pad in your pocket, purse or brief case. 在你的口袋,钱包或公文包里带一个小记事本。
If you open the door for someone, write it down. If you went out of your way to show your appreciation to someone, write it down. 如果你为别人开门,把它记录下来。如果你走出你固有的方式去表达你对他人的感谢,记录下来。
If you normally don’t make your bed, but today you did, write it down. 如果通常你自己不铺床,但今天你自己铺床了,也记录下来。
If you pushed yourself outside your comfort zone to make a call you needed to make, write it down. 如果你强迫自己离开舒适区,打一个你需要打的电话,写下来。
If you took 30 minutes to read a good book, rather than watching TV, write it down. 如果你花了30分钟读一本好书,而不是看电视,写下来。
If you smiled and answered the phone with a friendly voice, write it down. 如果你微笑着用很友好的嗓音,接了电话,把它写下来。
If you showed up for the meeting on time and well prepared, write it down. 如果你按时出席了会议,并做了充分的准备,写下来。
Set a goal to make a list of at least 10 things a day that you are proud to have accomplished. 设定一个目标,列出一张表,包括一天中至少10件让你感到骄傲有成就的事情。
If you will do this for 21 straight days, I guarantee that you will feel differently about yourself. 如果你愿意连续21天做这个,我保证你会对自己感觉不一样。
You will have an improved attitude. You will be happier. You will have more confidence in your abilities. 你会有一种改进的态度。你会更快乐。你将会对自己的能力更有信心。
You will be more motivated and inspired to work towards reaching your long-term goals. 你会更有动力,更多地受到鼓舞去实现你的长期目标。
Will you take me up on my challenge? Is your how you feel about yourself important enough to make this list for 21 days in a row? 你会接受我的挑战吗?是因为你强烈有这种感觉,感觉自己是个重要人物从而连续21天来实行这个列表吗?
If this is the case, don’t go to bed this evening until you have written down 10 positive things, however small they may be. 如果是这样的话,今晚不睡觉也要写下10件积极的事情,无论他们可能多么的微不足道。
As I described in my post Accelerating Your Success, 就如我在《加速你的成功》这本书中描述的,
your ultimate success will come from the compounding effect of doing all the little things you do on a daily basis to get better. 你的最终成功将来自于,你日常所做所有的小事情,累积起来产生的长期复合回报效应,从而让事情变得更好。
And remember, if you look to others for words of encouragement and praise, you won’t find them. Instead look to yourself. 如果你指望从他人那里寻求鼓励和赞美的话,你会落空的。还是依靠你自己吧。