生活英语听力文章 第29期:建立持久人际关系(1)(在线收听

 Hi!everybody, this is Tod Smith with Little Things Matter.The Title of today's lesson is Building Relationships That Last 大家好。我是托德·史密斯为您讲述“小事业重要”。今天课程的题目是建立持久的人际关系。

Whether you've just recently dipped your toe in the pool of online social networking 无论你是初涉网络社交
or you've been swimming in it for some time,you have probabaly realised it's all about relationships. 还是已经使用了一段时间,你或许已经意识到它所涉及的完全是社交的学问。
While the Internet now allows us to connect in new ways and stay connected regardless of where we are, the fundamental skills of building relationships remain unchanged. 虽然现在网络提供了忽略距离的保持联系的新方式,但是建立人际关系的基本技能并未改变。
Today’s lesson is an important reminder for all of us that the key to any long-term relationship is making sure that you give at least as much as you get. 今天的课程对我们所有人说都是一个重要的提示,那就是保持长久人际关系的关键是确保你在人际关系中付出的至少和收获的一样多。
One of the most basic needs of humans is to have meaningful relationships with other people. Relationships connect us to each other in every aspect of our lives. 人类最基本的需求之一就是和他人建立有意义的人际关系。在生活的每一个方面,人际关系让我们和他人连在了一起。
One of the greatest regrets many individuals express at the end of their lives is the lack of time they spent with their spouse, children, and special people. 很多人在他们生命即将走完时最后悔的一件事是他们陪伴爱人、孩子、其他特别的人的时间太少。
It’s time given to our loved ones and friends that fulfills us and brings meaning to our lives. 现在是该为我们的爱人和给我们的生活带来意义和满足的朋友付出的时候了。
There are other benefits as well. Wholesome, long-term relationships bring happiness and health to our lives. 还有其他的好处呢。健康的长久的人际关系能给我们的生活带来幸福和健康。
Studies show that people with enriching relationships really do have more happiness and they experience less stress. 研究表明具有丰富关系的人确实有更多的幸福感,有更少的压力。
Enduring relationships are those that may last 5, 10, 15, or more years. 长久的人际关系指至少维系了5年,10年,15年的关系。
Clearly, not every relationship falls into this category, but if you want to build a long-term relationship 并不是每段人际关系都会这么久,但如果你想建立一段长久的人际关系
one that feeds and sustains you in the different areas of your life—you will need to be deliberate about the time and attention you give. 一段能在生活的不同方面都满足和支撑你的关系--你需要慎重考虑你所能付出的时间和精力。
For any relationship to last over a long period of time, it must be the kind where you offer value and meet the needs of the other person. 对于任一个持续很久的人际关系,他一定属于这种在哪个地方你有价值并能迎合他人的需求。
I sometimes refer to this as making deposits into the relationship. 有时我更喜欢把这当成是对人际关系的存款。
I like the way Anthony Robbins explains this concept. 我喜欢Anthony Robbins解释这个概念的方式。
“Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something. 人际关系里最大的挑战来自于人们都想从中获取东西。
They’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. 他们努力去寻找能让他们感觉舒服的人。
In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.” 现实中,人际关系持久的唯一方式是你把人际关系当做一种给予的渠道,而不是从中得到东西。