生活英语听力文章 第33期:允许我们繁荣的理由(1)(在线收听

 Hi!everybody, this is Tod Smith with Little Things Matter.I've got a fun lesson today. The title of today's lesson is 10 Reasons Why It’s Ok To Prosper 大家好。我是托德·史密斯为您讲述“小事业重要”。我们今天的课程很有趣,题目是允许我们走向繁荣的10个理由

As the son of a clergyman, I am familiar with the Bible phrase, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”  作为一个牧师的儿子,我熟悉圣经的话,“爱财是万恶之源。”
The phrase has been widely quoted by authors, speakers and religious leaders to warn us about what can happen when we place too much emphasis on money. 一词被广泛作家引用,当我们过于重视金钱,演说家和宗教领袖警告我们会发生什么。
Yes, I believe the love of money can be the root to evil for some people, but let’s face it; there is a lot of evil that has nothing to do with money. 是的,对一些人来说,我相信爱财是万恶之源,但让我们面对现实吧,有很多邪恶与金钱无关。
I certainly realize you can have all the money in the world and not be happy and I’m aware that success is not measured by money alone.  我当然知道你可以拥有世界上所有的钱却不高兴,我知道成功不是用金钱来衡量。
But prosperity is an admirable goal. The real issues are people’s reasons for acquiring money and what they do with it, not whether having it is right or wrong. 但是繁荣是一个令人钦佩的目标。真正的问题是人们获得金钱和他们所做的事情,是否它是对还是错。
In this lesson I want to bring your attention to 10 reasons why prosperity should be viewed positively. 在这节课中我想把你的注意力到10个为什么繁荣被积极看待的原因。
1. Who You Become—A favorite quote of mine by my mentor Jim Rohn, speaks of the importance of self-growth 你成为你最喜欢的,我的推荐是我的导师吉姆·罗恩,
“When you become a millionaire it’s not the million dollars that makes you valuable, it’s who you become in the process.” “当你成为一个百万富翁,不是数百万美元使你有价值,而是使你成为富翁的过程,”谈及个人成长的重要性。
When you consistently stretch yourself to do your very best, you grow, your value to the market is increased and you’re self-worth as well as your self-confidence become treasured realities. 当你一直让自己做到最好,你成长,你的市场价值增加,你自我价值以及自信成为现实财富。
2. Help Those In Need—One of the greatest joys in life for my wife and me is to help those who are less fortunate in our local community and in third world countries. 帮助那些有需要的人--在我们的当地社区和在第三世界国家,我和妻子在生活中最大的乐趣是去帮助那些不幸的人。
We particularly feel an aching in our hearts for orphans and today our family sponsors a community of more than 50 children in Swaziland.  我们特别为孤儿感受我们心中的痛,今天我们家在斯威士兰的社区赞助商50多个孩子。
How would you feel if you had extra money to help those who break your heart? 你怎么觉得如果你有额外的钱去帮助那些人会伤了你的心?
3. You Will Become More Respected—As you grow and develop your skills, habits and personal character, those around you will look to you with respect and admiration.  你会变得更加受到尊重---在你的成长和发展你的技能,习惯和个性过程中,你周围的人将会尊重和仰慕你。
As people’s respect for you grows, so will your influence and usefulness as a leader.  随着人们的仰慕你,你的领导影响力和作用将扩大。
I have to believe the life of someone who is deeply respected is better than the life of someone who is not. 我不得不相信十分受尊重的生活人比人不受尊重要好。
4. You Will Be An Example To Your Children—If you will strive for excellence in doing the little things to help you advance up the pay scale in your chosen occupation, you will be a great example for your children. 你将为小孩以身试教---将追求卓越的微公益帮助你提前支付在你选择的职业中规模,你将为你的孩子一个很好的楷模。
After all, your example is likely the #1 influencing factor in their lives. 毕竟,你的例子可能是他们的生活中第一个影响因素。