生活英语听力文章 第52期:静思时间(2)(在线收听

 Let me offer you a few suggestions: 我来告诉你一些建议:

1. Start your mornings by sitting in silence. Rather than watching the news, reading the morning paper, or opening your computer, find a quiet place to just sit and think. 1.从早晨开始坐下来沉思。与看新闻,读早报打开你的电脑相比不如找一个安静的地方坐下来去思考。
2. While driving alone turn off the music and talk shows. Turn your car into a think tank where you process life and make good decisions. 2.当一个人开车时,关掉音乐和谈话节目。把你的车变成一个智囊团来处理你的生活做出好的决定。
3. Go for a daily walk and leave the music at home. Pick a topic to concentrate on. Almost all of my major decisions are made on my walks. 3.把音乐留在家里,每天去散步。集中精力于一个话题。几乎我所有的重要的决定都是在散步中做出的。
Here are my three favorite questions I ask myself when choosing to think about a specific subject: 在选择去思考一个特定的主题时,我最喜欢问我自己的三个问题是:
What’s going on? Think about the subject you have selected. 发生了什么事?考虑一下你选择的主题;
What are my options? Consider all available options. 我的选择是什么?考虑一下所有可能的选项;
What’s my plan? Make a decision on what you will do. 我的计划是什么?决定你会做什么。
4. If you have a major decision to make, block out a day, get out of your home, and go somewhere where you can think in peace and quiet. 如果你有一个重大的决定阻挡了一天,离开你家,然后去一个你可以安静的思考的地方。
As you do, consider all aspects of your decisions: options, pros, cons, risks, rewards, and possible outcomes. 像你所做的,考虑你决定的所有方面:选择、优点、缺点、风险报酬和可能的结果。
When you make it a priority to block out time in your busy schedule to just sit in silence and think about your life and where you are going, 当你优先的在百忙之中抽出时间只是安静的坐着想你的生活和你将要去哪里,
you will immediately begin to see the benefits of quiet time. 你很快就开始看到安静时间对你的好处。
Will you agree to test this lesson by finding 15 minutes TODAY to sit in silence and think about an important decision you need to make? 你是不是愿意做一个测试:今天拿出十五分钟的时间安静的坐下来并去认真的思考你需要做的重要的决定?
If you agree with the importance of taking quiet time, please share what you do during your quiet time and how it helps you make better decisions? 如果你同意安静时间的重要性,请分享一下你在安静时间做了什么和它是如何帮助你做出更好的决定的?