生活英语听力文章 第53期:第一印象(1)(在线收听

 Hi!everybody, this is Tod Smith with Little Things Matter.The title of today's lesson is 10 First Impressions That Matter 大家好。我是托德·史密斯为您讲述“小事也重要”。今天的题目是十个重要的第一印象。

We have all heard of the value of making a positive impression when meeting someone for the first time. 我们都知道和别人首次会面留下的第一印象的重要性。
It only takes a few seconds for someone to evaluate you. 别人只要通过几秒钟就能判断你是个什么样的人
This opinion is usually based on your demeanor, mannerisms, body language, speech, and appearance, but it’s even more than that. 这一观点通常基于一个人的行为举止,肢体语言,谈吐风度以及外表容貌,但其实远不止这些。
When you meet new people and enter into new relationships, what do you notice? 当你见以个素未谋面的人,要开始一段新关系时你会留意哪些东西?
Do you notice the clothes they wear in different settings? Do you notice the first email they send you? 你会留意他们在不同场合的着装打扮吗?还是留意他们发给你的第一封邮件?
Do you notice the amount of time it takes them to respond to your first email or phone call? 或者是他们回你第一封邮件或电话所花的时间?
Do you notice how they interact in the first meeting you’re in together? 又或者是留意他们在你在场的情况下如何进行社交?
The fact is, you intuitively notice many things that, when combined together, form your opinion of them. 其实你会凭直觉留意对方的许多事情,把这些事情放在一起,就形成了你对这个人的看法。
I learned early in my career that there is no other impression you can make on someone more important than the first impression. 在工作中我早就懂得了一个道理:没有什么留给别人的印象能比得上第一印象重要。
The school of hard knocks taught me that if you don’t make a positive first impression, you seldom get a chance to make a second impression, especially in sales. 我从社会经验中认识到,如果你没有给人留下良好的第一印象,你就基本上不会有机会留给别人第二印象。在销售行业中尤为如此。
As a Realtor there were countless little first impressions I focused on making that, when combined together, made me stand out from my competitors. 作为一个房地产经纪人,我曾花精力留给客户无数个看似微不足道的第一印象。这些小印象加在一起让从许多竞争者中脱颖而出。
When I broke down all the actions I could take to make a positive first impression, my list was long. Here are a few I always focused on: 每当我搞砸了所有事,我会喜欢留下一个好的第一印象。我的方法很多,下面是一些我经常用的:
I arrived at my prospective client’s home five minutes early. 我会提前五分钟到达潜在客户家中。
I rang the doorbell at the exact time of the appointment. 我会在约定的时间准时按下门铃。
I dressed in a suit and tie, looking my best. 我会穿正装,展现最好的自己。
I offered a friendly greeting along with a welcoming smile. 我通常微笑着打招呼。
I intentionally showed an interest in the unique things people had in their homes, including their pets and children. 我会特意对客户家里一些特别的事物展现出兴趣,包括他们的宠物和孩子。
I focused on making equal eye contact with both the husband and wife. 我不会只盯着客户的丈夫或妻子看。
I left a professional marketing book, highlighting my services for them to review between appointments. 我会留一本专业的营销书籍,在谈话中强调我的服务。
I sent a hand-written, thank-you note after my initial appointment. 首访后我会给他们寄一份手写的感谢信。
In my phone conversations, I spoke with a smile and a friendly tone. 在电话交谈时,我会带着微笑并保持友好的语气语调。