生活英语听力文章 第55期:第一印象(3)(在线收听

 8. The first time you are involved in a group conversation. 8.第一次参加小组谈话。

How someone interacts with a group of people, from their listening skills to the eye contact they make with each group member is recognized. 从有些人的倾听技巧和目光接触就能看出他们和组里别的成员是如何进行交流的。
9. The first time you have a phone conversation with someone. 9.第一次打电话。你是怎么接电话的?
How do you answer your phone? What is your phone energy? Do you listen without interrupting? 你的手机有多少电量?你是否一直在听没有打断对方呢?
10. The first time someone hears your personal cell phone greeting. 10.别人第一次听到你的电话问候。
Don’t think your voicemail greeting isn’t a big deal. It’s your conscious choice of how you want to brand yourself to every caller. 不要以为你的一次语音问候没什么大不了的,这是你想向别人推销自己的一次清醒的选择。
Does your voicemail greeting properly reflect how you want to be perceived? 你的语音消息有没有恰当表达你想要的效果。
I’m sure you could list many more first impressions we make on people. 你肯定能列出更多我们留给别人的第一印象。
Each of these little first impressions will play a defining role in everything from your relationships to your career. 每一次第一印象都会在你的关系网中和你的事业中发挥决定性作用。
To improve the first impression you make on people, let me encourage you to read the related posts below. 为了改善留给别人的第一印象,嘟嘟下面这篇有关这方面的文章吧。
Start focusing on making your first impressions count, while at the same time becoming the person who is consistent with the brand you are creating for yourself. 开始努力让你的第一印象起点作用,同时成为你心目中的自己,要想做到这一步,
As you strive to become the person you need to be to achieve your goals, you will begin to make many positive first impressions without even trying. 你要能够实现自己的目标。你要开始毫不费力就能给人留下良好的第一印象,
They will become part of your standard operating procedure. 这将成为你标准的操作程序。