生活英语听力文章 第104期:培养默契的12种快捷方式(2)(在线收听

 4.  Make Eye Contact 4.进行目光交流

When you are engaged in a conversation with someone, make sure you maintain comfortable eye contact with this person. 和别人交谈时,确保与对方有适当的目光接触。
When you make eye contact, focus on communicating your sincere interest in the person, rather than just starring into his or her eyes. 目光交流时要注意表现出你对说话人的兴趣,而不是一直盯着对方看。
It’s a small, but powerful distinction. 两者本身区别不大,但是造成的结果截然不同。
5.  Your Handshake 5.你的握手
The impression you make on people through your handshake influences how they feel about you. 你和别人的握手会影响别人对你的看法。
A proper handshake is even more important when meeting people for the first time. 首次会面时正确的握手显得更为重要。
The manner in which you extend your hand, the degree of firmness and the timing demonstrate your poise and confidence and will inevitably set the tone for your relationship. 伸手的方式,握手松紧度以及握手时间都能表现出你的镇定和自信。同时,这肯定会为你们的关系奠定基础。
Men, when you meet other men, be the first to offer your hand. When meeting women, wait for them to offer their hand. 两位男士见面时,都要先伸手,而当与女性会面时,应该等她们先伸手。
Women, when you meet both men and women in a business environment, immediately offer a firm handshake. 在商务环境下,无论对方是男是女,女性都要立刻伸手,并且握手时要牢固。
Men and women who initiate a handshake are generally viewed as being confident. 无论男女,握手时先伸手通常被认为比较自信。
6.  Make Your Welcome Greeting Stand Out 6.与众不同地打招呼
The key here is to take 10 seconds and make them feel like the most important person on this earth. 关键是花上十秒钟来和别人打招呼,让对方感觉受到足够多的重视。
Most people simply shake a person’s hand and say the standard, “nice meeting you”, 大多数人都只是握个手,然后机械地说一句“很高兴见到你”。
so this is your chance to stand out from the crowd as someone who is truly pleased to meet them. 所以你可以利用这个机会人群中脱颖而出,让别人感到真的是在受到欢迎。