生活英语听力文章 第105期:培养默契的12种快捷方式(3)(在线收听

 The 12 Fastest Ways to Build Rapport 培养默契的12种快捷方式

When we meet people whether it be in person or over the phone, we instinctively and often times within seconds, form an opinion of them. 无论是面对面还是在电话中交流,我们都能在几秒钟内形成对对方的看法。
Here’s a secret: they do the same thing when meeting us. 让我告诉你一个秘密:对方也有和你一样的感觉。
If we are intentional we can use this natural tendency to positively influence how people view us. 如果我们意识到这一点,就可以利用它来给别人留下积极的印象。
And if we are extra intentional and focus on the 12 lessons outlined in this two part series, we can accelerate this process and build rapport in a very short period of time. 如果我们格外留心并关注这两篇系列文章中列出的12种方法,我们就能在段时间内快速与人建立默契。
In yesterday’s lesson I reviewed with you the first six ways and in today’s lesson I will cover the remaining six. 我在昨天的文章中已经提过了六种方法,所以本文将写完剩下的六个方法。
Whether you are trying to make a great first impression on your date or with a prospective client, applying these lessons will allow you to quickly connect with people. 不管你是想在约会时还是在见潜在客户时或留下良好的第一印象,运用这些方法都能让你快速与人建立联系。
7.  Repeat Their Names 7.重复对方的名字
Have you ever met someone for the first time who hardly looked you in your eyes, 你有没有遇到过这样的人:第一次见面时看也不看你,
said the standard nice to meet you greeting without any authenticity behind their words and couldn’t remember your name five seconds later? 只是机械而又不真诚地说了句很高兴见到你,而且五秒钟后还没记住你的名字?
What impression did this person make on you? 这种人给你留下的印象是什么?
When you greet people, make it a point of saying their names in your initial conversation. 与人见面打招呼时说出对方的名字很重要。
For example, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Sharon.” 比如,“很高兴见到你,萨伦。”
And then when the conversation concludes, use their name again such as, “Sharon, it was a real pleasure getting to know you.” 然后在谈话结束时再重复一遍对方的名字,如“萨伦,认识你我真的很高兴。”
When you say people’s names you are showing them they are important to you. 当你说出比如的名字时,别人会感觉到你很重视他们。
8.  Be Friendly 8.友好一点
While this seems so obvious, so few people are intentional about coming across friendly when meeting people. 然而很明显的一点是,很少有人在和别人会面时注意给对方留下一个友好的印象。
Most people act like it is an every day occurrence and don’t think about the impression they are making on others. 大多数人觉得这很自然,根本不考虑会给对方留下什么印象。
When people are friendly it is generally just during their initial greeting, but then they forget it’s important. 通常人们只是在打招呼时会表示得很友好,但过后通常会忘了这个重要性。
Not only do you want to be intentional about being friendly when you meet people, but you want to focus on being friendly during your entire time together. 你不仅要在见面时表示出友好,而且在整个过程中都要如此。
When you are authentically friendly it is reflected through your facial expressions, body language, voice tone and through the words you speak. 别人可以通过你的表情,动作,语调语气以及说话内容看出你是否是真的友好。
Think of the friendliest people you know and learn from their example. 想想你最友好的朋友,把他们当榜样。
9.  Show an Interest in Them 9.对他们表现出兴趣
One of the keys, if not the most important one in building successful relationships is your ability to show a sincere interest- both in the person and things that are important to that person. 如果这不是拥有好人缘最重要的方法,那也能算是其中一个关键的方法了,即你要向对方展示出你的兴趣无论是对其本人还是对其本人很重要的事情。
The key with this point is to focus on them, NOT you! 关键是你要把焦点放在他们身上而不是你自己。
By expressing genuine interest in someone’s qualities, background, stories, hobbies, career or family you are demonstrating in interest in them. 你可以通过下面这些方法来表示你对对方的兴趣:表达你对其品格,背景,经历,习惯,职业或家庭的兴趣。
When I was in real estate I would pay attention to the things in people’s homes, because it told me what is important to them. 我以前在房地产行业时经常关注客户的家庭,以此了解他们重视的东西是什么,然后我会向他们询问这方面的事情。
I then asked them questions about these things and in most cases they lite up like a light bulb and talked with great enthusiasm about these things. 大多数情况下他们都会变得很激动,兴趣盎然地开始谈起这些事来。
It was one thing I focused on in EVERY appointment, because it made a difference. 这是我每次见客户时必用的一招,因为真的很有用。