生活英语听力文章 第125期:尊荣以前必有谦卑(2)(在线收听

 To clarify this, let’s look at the definitions of both confidence and humility. 为了澄清这些,让我们看一下自信和谦卑的定义。

Confidence is a self-assurance arising from an appreciation of one’s true abilities. 自信是一种对自己自信的欣赏,一个人真实的能力。
Humility is having a modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance or rank.  It’s about being open to the possibility of improvement. 谦卑是一种谦虚的观点,或者说估计自己的重要性和地位。它是关于被改善的可能性。
There’s no reason why these two character traits can’t coexist. 这两个性格的特征没有任何共存的理由。
In fact, when they do, it’s hard to find a more powerful combination. 事实上,当他们很难做的,找到一个更强大的结合的方法。
In Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t, 从优秀到卓越:为什么一些公司可以飞跃,而有些却不行,作者吉姆·柯林斯举了戴维帕卡德的例子,
author Jim Collins gives the example of David Packard, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard, as a humble leader who offers this sage advice: 惠普的创始人之一,作为一个卑微的领导者提出的明智的建议:
He said“You shouldn’t gloat about anything you’ve done; you ought to keep going and find something better to do.” “你不能对你做的任何事情幸灾乐祸;你应该继续向前去找到你可以做的更好的事情。”
As co-founder of one of the most successful companies in the U.S., you can bet that Packard is a confident individual, but that doesn’t preclude him from practicing humility. 作为在美国最成功的公司之一,你可以打赌,帕卡德是一个自信的人,但这并不妨碍他练习谦卑。
Admittedly, finding the right balance between confidence and humility can be tough— 无可否认,在自信和谦卑之间找到一个合适的平衡点是非常困难的——
especially for entrepreneurs and people in sales whose livelihood depends on marketing themselves and relying on their accomplishments to obtain future business. 尤其是对那些依靠行销和他们的成就来取得未来交易的企业家和销售人来说。
In these instances, deciding what information to present and how to present it is paramount. The key is to do so without coming across as egotistical. 在这些情况下,决定呈现什么信息以及如何展示它是至关重要的。关键是不会让人觉得你是在做自我本位的。
Here are some tips for Communicating Both Confidence and Humility 沟通自信和谦卑的技巧
First,let your prior record, actions, and associates speak for you.  Avoid what would sound like boasting about yourself or your accomplishments. 让你优先的记录,一些行为和你对合伙人说的话。避免说一些吹嘘自己和成就的话。
Next,limit the times that you speak freely about yourself and your achievements to those occasions when you are communicating the value you bring to a personal or business relationship. 当你他人的价值和商业关系时,限制你畅所欲言说自己的和自己成就的时间。
And lastly, consider how you can communicate your message in a way that does not sound like bragging. 考虑一下你的交流方式听起来不能像吹牛。
By its very nature, humility is not an attitude we ever perfect. 就其本质而言,谦卑不是我们完美的态度,
It’s a practiced trait that requires constant monitoring, especially since arrogance—egotism, superiority, conceit— is always tugging at our human nature. 它具有练习的特点,需要持续的被检验,因为自大,妄想,自负在拽着我们的人性。
If you desire to adopt or grow in your practice of humility, avoid speaking about yourself in a proud or conceited manner. 如果你渴望通过练习来培养你的谦卑,避免有说你自豪和自负的习惯。
Share your accomplishments in a modest, positive way when requested or necessary. 当被要求或者必须要分享你的成就是,用一种谦虚、积极的方式。
When it is necessary, such as when you need to sell yourself or your services, 当它是必要时,例如当你需要推销自己或者推销你的服务时,
remember to communicate your message in a way that remains focused on your client or customer and what you can do for them, not just on what you can do. 记住通过交流一些关注你的客户和顾客话,你能为他们做什么,而不是你能做什么。
When you practice humility, you gain the respect of others. 当你实践谦卑时,你会得到被人对你的尊重。
Respect brings with it a number of rewards such as more satisfying relationships, broader influence, 尊重会带来一些回报,比如令人满意的人际关系,更广泛的影响,
and a number of employment-related benefits like raises, promotions, and increased sales. 和一些和职业有关的福利,像建筑,促销和提升销售。