生活英语听力文章 第137期:小心嫉妒者(3)(在线收听

 On the other hand, when you focus on developing your unique strengths, talents and abilities,  而反过来,如果你讲注意力集中在培养自己的特长、天赋和才能上,

your self-image will grow, your insecurities will fade away and you will find great fulfillment, satisfaction and enjoyment in life. 你会更加自信,你的不安感会逐渐退去,你会发现生活中充满了成就感、满足感和喜悦。
Oprah Winfrey said, “I was once afraid of people saying, “who does she think she is?” now I have the courage to stand and say, “this is who I am.” 奥普拉·温弗瑞曾说过:“我以前非常害怕别人对我说‘你以为自己是谁?’但是现在我有勇气面对他们说‘我就是我’”。
Here is my challenge to you. Look to others for what you can learn from them, both good and bad, but never wish you were those individuals. 下面是我对你发起的挑战。三人行必有我师焉,则其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。但永远都不要希望自己就是对方。
You can compare your results to the results of another, but never compare who you are as a person to another person. 你可以拿自己的成果跟别人比较,但是绝对不要拿自己这个人跟别人比较。
Start focusing on what makes you special. Look at your distinguishing traits and develop them.Become the best at what you offer the world. 关注自己的特别之处。找到自己的与众不同的品质,然后发展它们。培养出最好的自己来奉献社会。
When you find yourself envious or jealous,stop and identify the source and clear the old voices and experiences. 当你发现自己心生嫉妒或者妒忌时,找到根源,去除心中的杂音杂念。
If you find yourself feeling jealous because you feel you may lose a friendship, relationship, boy or girl friend or spouse 如果因为害怕失去一段友谊、男女朋友或者配偶二新生嫉妒,
Instead of focusing on jealous,focus on what you can control— the value you bring to this relationship. 打消嫉妒心,讲关注点放在你可以控制的事情上——你能为你们的关系所带来的价值。
Remember relationship breaks down when one person do not meet the need of the other. 要记住,一段关系的破碎是一位一方不能再满足另一方的需要。
Here is my final thought. Stop counting other people's blessing and starting counting on your own. 我的最终建议是。不要再对他人抱有期待,要对自己抱有期待。