
 82.Manage your meetings. 做好会议安排。

Poorly run meetings are time wasters. 会议安排欠妥会浪费很多时间。
Show your respect to all parties by starting and ending on time. Also make sure all parties are giving their undivided attention. 严格遵守预定的开始和结束时间,以示对与会各方的尊重。
This means NO side conversations or cell phones in the room. 还要确保会议期间各方精力集中,不可以交头接耳或打电话。
83.Don't get side-tracked in meetings. 会议上不要离题。
It is easy to get side-tracked in meetings. 开会时很容易跑题。
If something comes up, determine if it is more important than the other items remaining on the agenda. 如果某件题外事出现,首先确认它是不是比会议日程上还未涉及到的问题重要。
If it is not, make a note of the discussion point and return the discussion to the items on the agenda. 如果不是,记录下问题,然后让讨论话题回归到议程上的问题。
84.Schedule breaks during meetings. 会议期间设置休息时间。
If a meeting is going to last two hours or more, put a break in the agenda. 如果会议长度超过两小时,那么设置一段休息时间。
Request that no one leave the room until the scheduled break, unless it is an emergency. 然后要求与会人员在休息时间之前,除非有紧急事宜,负责不可离开会议室。
85.Do you need to meet in-person? Driving to and from appointments and meetings can be very time consuming. 你们需要面谈吗?为了见面路上会耗费大量时间。
If possible, schedule conference calls or video-conferences through Skype or services like Gotomeeting.com. 如果可以的话安排电话会议或者用Skype软件或Gotomeeting.com进行视频通话会议。
Although these can be time savers, remember that relationships are best built in-person. 这种方式的确可以节省时间,但是不要忘了要想建立关系面对面交流才是最好的方式。
86.Improve your proficiency. 提高熟练度。
Make better use of your time by improving your proficiency in an area that requires your regular attention. 要做到熟练自己主攻领域所需技能,这样可以节省时间。
The better you get at something, the less time it will take. 你对某事越熟练,那么做起来需要的时间就越短。