生活英语听力文章 第190期:真诚的无形力量(3)(在线收听

 Being authentic can be empowering. 真诚的力量是很强大的。

You will know that you are living a life with purpose, using your talents and skills, and doing it peacefully and harmoniously while contributing to the lives of those around you. 它会让你知道你的生活是有目标的,你会用你的才能有所作为,并且对于你身边的人也是有好处的。
To take full advantage of this movement towards authenticity, we must focus on growing and developing ourselves. 为了充分利用好这次关于真诚的运动,我们必须要集中精力提高自己。
We need to become the type of people who attract success into our lives-not people who try to fake our way to the top. 我们要让成功慢慢来靠近自己--而不是为达高位不择手段。
When it comes to building trust and connecting with others, nothing is more persuasive and powerful than just being real. 提及建立信任和与人交往,没有什么比真诚更有说服力的了。
I'm convinced that the people who work the hardest on growing themselves will be those who have the advantage in the years to come. 我坚信那些最努力提高自身的人就是以后有优势的人。
Here's My Challenge to you 我对你发起的挑战
I want to challenge you to put down your shield and start trying to connect on a deeper level with people. 我想让你对别人少一点戒备,开始与人进行更深入的交往。
Show a genuine interest in people and the things that are important to them by listening and asking questions. 通过倾听和提问,展示你对谈话人及谈话内容是真正感兴趣的。
Smile more, love more, encourage more, and show your appreciation to those who do things for you. 多点笑容,多些爱心,多些鼓励,赞赏那些为你做事的人。
I also want to encourage you to be true to yourself. 我还想鼓励你要对自己真诚。
Be happy with who you are-wrinkles and all. 要为自己的点点滴滴高兴。
Feeling comfortable in one's skin and being true to one's self is one of the most beautiful traits one can possess. 一个人拥有的最美特性之一就是对自己真诚。
Lastly, be happy with what you have. 最后,知足常乐。
Stop trying "to keep up with the Joneses" or the people at the country club; start being happy with who you are and what you offer the world. 不要再攀比,要开始为自己和自己为世界做过的事感到高兴。
One of the most famous literary quotations speaks to authenticity: 莎士比亚在《哈姆雷特》中的一首最著名的赞颂真诚的诗:
in William Shakespeare  Hamlet"To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."  对你自己忠实,并长久坚持,你就不会对别人虚情假意。
People who are authentic connect faster, are more trusted, and build deeper relationships than those who are superficial. 真诚的人会比虚假的人更快赢得朋友,更可信,也有更牢固的关系。