月亮和六便士 第五十八章(5)(在线收听

The conversation proceeded, 谈话继续下去。 and I marvelled at the tact with which Mr. Van Busche Taylor avoided all subjects that might have been in the least embarrassing, 我非常佩服凡·布施·泰勒先生的老练;凡是令人感到尴尬的话题,他完全回避掉。 and at the ingenuity with which Mrs. Strickland, without saying a word that was untrue, insinuated that her relations with her husband had always been perfect. 我也非常惊奇思特里克兰德太太的圆滑;尽管她没有说一句不真实的话,却充分暗示了她同自己丈夫的关系非常融睦,从来没有任何嫌隙。 At last Mr. Van Busche Taylor rose to go. 最后,凡·布施·泰勒先生起身告辞, Holding his hostess' hand, he made her a graceful, though perhaps too elaborate, speech of thanks, and left us. 他握着女主人的一只手,向她说了一大篇优美动听、但未免过于造作的感谢词,便离开了我们。 "I hope he didn't bore you," she said, when the door closed behind him. “我希望这个人没有使你感到厌烦,”当门在凡·布施·泰勒的身背后关上以后,思特里克兰德太太说。 "Of course it's a nuisance sometimes, but I feel it's only right to give people any information I can about Charlie. “当然了,有时候也实在让人讨厌,但是我总觉得,有人来了解查理斯的情况,我是应该尽量把我知道的提供给人家的。 There's a certain responsibility about having been the wife of a genius." 作为一个伟大天才的未亡人,这该是一种义务吧。” She looked at me with those pleasant eyes of hers, which had remained as candid and as sympathetic as they had been more than twenty years before. 她用她那一对可爱的眼睛望着我,她的目光非常真挚,非常亲切,同二十多年以前完全一样。 I wondered if she was making a fool of me. 我有点儿怀疑她是不是在耍弄我。 "Of course you've given up your business," I said. “你那个打字所大概早就停业了吧?”我说。 "Oh, yes," she answered airily. “啊,当然了,”她大大咧咧地说, "I ran it more by way of a hobby than for any other reason, and my children persuaded me to sell it. “当年我开那家打字所主要也是为了觉得好玩,没有其他什么原因。后来我的两个孩子都劝我把它出让给别人。 They thought I was overtaxing my strength." 他们认为太耗损我的精神了。” I saw that Mrs. Strickland had forgotten that she had ever done anything so disgraceful as to work for her living. 我发现思特里克兰德太太已经忘记了她曾不得不自食其力这一段不光彩的历史。 She had the true instinct of the nice woman that it is only really decent for her to live on other people's money. 同任何一个正派女人一样,她真实地相信只有依靠别人养活自己才是规矩的行为。 "They're here now," she said. “他们都在家,”她说, "I thought they'd, like to hear what you had to say about their father. “我想你给他们谈谈他们父亲的事,他们一定很愿意听的。 You remember Robert, don't you? 你还记得罗伯特吧? I'm glad to say he's been recommended for the Military Cross." 我很高兴能够告诉你,他的名字已经提上去,就快要领陆军十字勋章了。”