早安英文 第14期:老板(在线收听


Before I left, I set my boss’s computer so that every time he typed his name, it changed to “I like ponies.”
pony n. 小马;vt. 付清,交付
My friends, dressed as CIA agents, ran in my office yelling “We finally got you!” and chased me out the door. I never went back.
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)中央情报局
Told my boss, “ I’m quitting to pursue my dream of not working here.”
pursue v. 追求
My boss said, “see you Monday.” I said, “You will if you’re in the beach in Cancun.”
Cancun 昆坎墨西哥著名国际旅游城市
The guy dramatically slammed his work ID down on the table then walked into the glass door on his way out.
dramatically adv. 戏剧地;引人注目地
walk into 走进;不慎陷入
way out 出口