英语小达人 438 The Time Account(2)(在线收听

 To realise the value of one year,  要体会到一年的价值,

ask the student who has failed to grade. 就去问一个留级的学生。
To realise the value of one month,  要体会到一个月的价值,
ask the mother who has given birth to a premature baby. 就去问一个早产的母亲。
To realise the value of one week,  要体会到一个星期的价值,
ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. 就去问一个周报的编辑。
To realise the value of one hour,  要体会到一个小时的价值,
ask two lovers who are waiting to meet. 就去问一对等待见面的恋人。
To realise the value of one minute,  要体会到一分钟的价值,
ask the traveler who has just missed his train. 就去问一个刚误了火车的旅行者。
To realise the value of one second,  要体会到一秒钟的价值,
ask the motorist who has just avoided an accident. 就去问一个刚刚躲过了一场事故的司机。
To realise the value of one millisecond,  要体会到千分之一秒的价值,
ask the athlete who has won a silver medal in the Olympics. 就去问一个刚在奥林匹克运动会上获得银牌的运动员。
Treasure every moment that you have!  珍惜你所拥有的每一秒钟,
And treasure it more because you have shared it with someone special,  更加珍惜与特别的人一起度过的时光——
special enough to spend your time with.  他是如此特别,让你甘愿花时间与他相处。
And remember that time waits for no one.  记住,时间不等人。
Yesterday is history.  昨天是历史,
Tomorrow is a mystery.  明天是未知,
Today is a gift.  今天是礼物。
That's why it's called the present 这就是在英语里现在也被称作礼物的原因。