英语小达人 444 Colors of Hungary(2)(在线收听

 In the meantime, the audience listens to the bride and bridegroom's farewell ceremony. 同时,大家还要参加新郎和新娘告别家人的仪式。

After the groom's first visit,  在新郎第一次拜见岳丈后,
spectators can witness the most splendid art of the wedding, the adornment of the bride. 观众就能欣赏到婚礼中最精彩的一章——新娘子的服饰!
Particular preparation along years of effort is bringing life the memorable moments.  多年的精心准备终于要迎来最难忘的时刻。
The number of underskirts could even reach a hundred.  新娘的衬裙可以多达100层。
The marvelously embroidered wedding dress revives the atmosphere and sophisticated taste of the past times. 精美的绣花礼服重现了昔日的美好时光。
The couple walks to the church hand in hand,  佳偶牵手走向教堂,
and the village scene recreates the picturesque background for the festival procession. 山村美景为这场盛事打造了画一般的舞台背景。
Possibly, tradition says the most about people's character and mentality.  也许,只有传统能真正道出许多人类的性格与心理特征。
The main purpose of tourism, apart from visiting different places,  旅行的主要目的除了四处游览之外,
is to get acquaint with each other's costumes and cultures.  更重要的是了解对方的风俗与文化。
Similarly, to other exterior people, Hungarians offer a warm welcome to those who are interested in their country. 对那些希望了解他们的人,匈牙利人总会敞开热情的怀抱。