经典双语笑话 第12期:用脸去敲钟(在线收听

 Face it 用脸去敲钟

Quasimodo had just died, so the rector was looking for a new hunchback to ring the great bell of Notre Dame cathedral. 钟楼怪人刚去世,因此教区的神父正在找一位驼背的人来敲巴黎圣母院的大钟。
But the first man who applied for the job was not only a hunchback, but armless as well. 但是第一个去应征的不仅是驼背,而且连手也没有。
"Of course, I'd like to give you the job," said the priest,"but how will you manage it?" "当然,我愿意给你这个工作机会,"神父说道,"可是你怎么去敲钟呢?"
"Never fear," replied the dauntless paraplegic. "Just watch;! " "别怕,"勇敢的残疾者答道。"待会看了你就知道。"
The two men went up to the bell tower and there the applicant took a run at the great bell, striking it with his face. 两个人走上钟楼,应征者用脸撞那个大钟,响了好一阵子。
The effect was magnificent, and the hunchback repeated his performance several times. 效果良好。于是驼子又撞了几次。
However, he soon became dizzy and at the next run, missed the bell completely and went hurtling out of the bell tower to crash to his death in the courtyard below. 可是不久他就觉得头晕目眩,下一次竟然落了空,掉到钟塔外,跌死在下面的庭院里。
The priest rushed down to the crumpled body, over which a policeman was already standing. 神父冲到跌得皱成一团的尸体之处,有个警察已经站在那里。
"Do you know this fellow's name?" asked the cop. "No, but his face certainly rings a bell!" "你知道这个家伙的名字吗"警察问道。"不知道,但他的脸孔好熟喔!"
1.looking for 寻找
例句:He turned out all his pockets looking for the ticket.
2.go up 向上
例句:He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park.
3.crash to 冲向
例句:For now, we can warn the driver of any obstacle in the way and minimize the effects of a crash to some degree.
4.strik with 敲打;袭击
例句:For raiding missions, be sure to strike with a small, highly mobile force and then withdraw before the enemy can retaliate.