英语悠选脱口秀 第116期:猫狗都上天了(在线收听


Today's key word is Jet
Jet j-e-t
A jet is an aircraft that is powered by jet engines.
Here is a really fast example:
There was a huge bang; it sounded like a supersonic jet.
And the jet we are going to talk about today is not for human beings but for pets, like dogs and cats.是的你没有听错,小猫小狗都有私人飞机了!
In the UK, a Heathrow(希思罗机场)– based company has launched the UK's first private jet service catering(提供服务) specifically for pets.
这家叫做airpets的公司说, we will provide an unparalled level of luxury for your beloved pets.爱的宠物,就让他做私人飞机旅行吧!
Both pet and owner are able to travel in the cabin of the aircraft, minimising potential stress but maximising both convenience and efficiency.
Cruising at speeds in excess of 400 mph with a range of 1,500 miles, both owner and pet are in fast, easy reach of all major European cities.
话说,我买张机票 买经济舱还要等打折的时候买,人家小狗小猫都包机旅行了!!!
I need a second to calm down. Deep breath!
Ok, I can totally understand that pet lovers want to travel with their lovely dogs. But a private jet, seriously? 有钱任性用在这里再合适不过了.
一个外国网友说:After watching this, I suddenly felt like a loser in front of my dog. I can't fly him to France with a Private Jet. So I just went to the supermarket and bought him a pack of beef jerky. I think my dog is doing just fine.
哈哈,我们还再说,你咋不上天呢 的时候,别人家的小猫小狗已经上天了。And the only thing I want to ask is 你家缺不缺遛狗的人啊?
Talk to you next time!