英语悠选脱口秀 第119期:小雀斑定义自己的美(在线收听


Today's key word is Freckle
Freckle f-r-e-c-k-l-e
Freckles are small light brown spots on someone's skin, especially on their face.
She is a tall, freckle - faced Irish girl with kind, beautiful eyes and an infectious smile.
她是一个身材高挑 、 满脸雀斑的爱尔兰裔女孩, 眼睛温柔美丽,笑起来很有感染力.
今天为什么要说freckle雀斑呢?Last week, dating website match. com launched a poster campaign in London subway stations.Match. com在伦敦地铁发布的海报很快引起来巨大的争议。The poster featured a freckly red-haired, brown-eyed girl and the caption(说明文字), "If you don't like your imperfections, someone else will."
如果你不喜欢自己不完美的地方,总有其他人会喜欢的。这个广告一出来,很多人就在各种社交网站上表达了不满。People feel that match. com was expressing the idea that freckles and brown eyes make a person imperfect不完美? And who are you to tell other people they are perfect or not? 看看愤怒的英国人是如何吐槽这个广告的 Leo said, Hey Match. com – got a typo in this ad! You misspelled "perfection" as "imperfection."
Londoner Carrie Hill said on Twitter, “My freckles certainly are not 'imperfections.' "Susan comments that “Disgraceful! Freckles are a sign of beauty! How to alienate(放弃,离间) half the UK!"不久,match. com就出来道歉了。
他们解释说"We believe freckles are beautiful. The intention of our 'Love Your Imperfections' campaign is to focus on the quirks(怪癖) and idiosyncrasies(特有的气质) that people wrongly perceive(理解) to be imperfections,".每个人都有自己的个性,自己的小怪癖,有自己独特的地方,Differences make you who you are!正是你与别人不同的特质,才让这世界上只有一个你。So don't let other people tell you what your imperfections are! They don't have a say!
所以每一天都要堂堂正正 自信的生活。Don't care too much about what other people think of you! Some days you have to create your own sunshine. Be confident! No one else is you, and that is your power!希望大家每天都自信的 开开心心的生活!
Talk to you next time!