英语悠选脱口秀 第124期:怎么休息才最好 在家还是远行?(在线收听


Today's key word is Hiking
Hiking h-i-k-i-n-g
A hike is a long walk in the country, especially one that you go on for pleasure.
Here is an example:
My favorite way of exercise is hiking.
So!五一假期到了!Do you have any plan? Will you stay at home and wake up whenever you like? Or you are planning to go out to see the world? Which way do you think is better?放假就是要在家好好休息,养精蓄锐,放假出去旅行才是最好的休息,最好的放松?It is debatable, so let's talk!
For those who prefer staying at home during the holiday:
Home is the best place for everybody to relax. You can put your pajamas on or wear nothing, as you like it, It is your home, it is your call. There is finally no need to worry about late for work or school. Sleep during the day, Turn on the TV or radio, Watching or listening to your favorite show, like ayoenglish,英语悠选 and enjoy the free time!
It sounds reasonable! But all these reasons still not good enough for those people who prefer to go outside and see the world.
For them, the outside world is full of attractions and temptations. The holidays are so precious that you can't waste any seconds of them. You can stay at home at night and during the weekend, why would you still want to stay at the same place when you have been there for years and will be there for more years?好不容易才有的假期怎么不抓紧时间出去玩呢?世界那么大,要抓住每一分钟去感受。
So what about you? Do you prefer staying at home or going outside?你是更喜欢呆在家里休息还是出门旅行呢?