英语悠选脱口秀 第158期:小哥满大街剪别人自拍杆 到底是英雄还是恶棍(在线收听


People Can't Decide If He's A Hero Or Villain.
Buddy Bolton is a young guy who is living in New York City in the United States.
He recently runs around NYC destroying peoples' selfiesticks with a branch(树枝) cutter.
He said:”We were sick of Selfie Stick tourists in NYC, so we did this.”
In the video, you can see Bolton clipping tourists' selfiesticks, while they're trying to take a picture.
Even though he does have a good point (it really is an overcrowded city and selfie sticks aren't making it any better), the guy is destroying personal property and that's just not cool.
Not to mention, it could get him in lots of trouble.
CHAOS TYPE-R comments: “This is beautiful. Do more. ”
Patricia Johnson1 comments: “THIS GUY DESERVES TO BE BEATEN UP, BADLY. Destroying what other people paid for with their hard work is NOT FUNNY, ASSHOLE.” 
Lemon Spy 1 says :“I have mixed feelings about this. I'm one of those people who hate selfie sticks, but at the same time, destroying others people's property isn't the way to go.”
Michael Miller1 comments:“This can't be real as he would have loads of phones to pay for lol.”
So what is your opinion? 你觉得Buddy Bolton的做法合适吗?Is he a hero or villain? Let us know by leaving a comment.
Talk to you next time!