英语悠选脱口秀 第163期:惩罚学生新技能 不好好听课就去冥想(在线收听


Here is an example:
The teacher kept the boys in detention after school.
There's no such thing as detention at the Baltimore Elementary.
Yep, you heard that correctly.
Instead they have a Mindful Moment Room, also known as the “oasis of calm”.
Actually it is just like a normal classroom but without desks and chairs. They put some Yoga mat in the classroom.
If you make a mistake here, the teacher wouldn't ask you to write more homework or just let you stay in the room for 1 hour after school.
It's part of an after-school programme called Holistic(整体性的) Me, an initiative that teaches children to practice mindful meditation and breathing exercises while encouraging them to talk to behavioral professionals.
这个举措获得了很多人的支持。Someone says: this is such a great idea! I really believe that punishing kids, especially when they are so young, is a really bad idea because if you just punish them they will not understand what they did wrong and most importantly they wouldn't know what they should have done instead.
But they are kids. 活泼好动的孩子能够你让他不说话他就不说话就这样静静的冥想吗?
What's your opinion? 你有没有试过在心烦意乱的时候冥想呢?