英语PK台 第22期:不要等到比原来更少(2)(在线收听

 Grace’s Story: A lesson learned—Don't get too greedy.

I reada story in a book lately. It really got me thinking…
Whatstory? Tell me about it.
This easy to understand story is called “End up with nothing”. It’s about theexperience of someone from the countryside who goes to the forest to catchpheasants. He sprinkles grain on the ground as bait. He uses a rope to tiearound a basket on the ground. Then he holds the rope from a distance and waitsfor the pheasants to fall into the trap.
That must be a rewarding experience!
Just the opposite. He didn’t catch any the whole day!
That’s incredible! What happened?
At first, 6 hungry pheasants walked into the trap to eat, but the man noticedthere were 4 other pheasants outside of the trap. He thought: I should wait forthe other 4 to go in there, then I can catch 10!
He started to get greedy.
After a while, two more walked in. The man wasdelighted. He thought to himself: just wait a little bit longer until they’reall inside. Who would’ve thought, some of the pheasants got full and slowlystarted leaving the trap. In the end, not even one pheasant remained.
That guy was probably really disappointed, huh? I wonder if he thought hard aboutwhy this happened?
When opportunity knocks at our door, if you don’t grasp it well, and you areovercome by desire and greed, and I’m afraid you will end up with nothing.
Good point. There’s a good saying that goes “opportunity seldom knocks twice”.I’m one of those people who stop while they’re ahead. I never get too greedy,and I’m always happy.
New words for dialogue:
Pheasant = 野鸡
Sprinkle = 洒
Bait = 诱饵
Just the opposite = 恰恰相反
Greedy = 贪心的
When opportunity knocks at your door = 遇到机会时
Opportunity seldom knocks twice = 机不可失,失不再来
Stop while you’re ahead = 见好就收