篮球英文堂 第160期:NBA巨星告诉你意志力决定一切(1)(在线收听

 Mental strength is everything, especially when you talk about competing at the highest level 意志决定一切,尤其是当你在最高水平的舞台竞技

We have so many great player in our league, it's physically strong, fast, quick 联盟里有这么多优秀的球员 比赛节奏又强又快
In order to go up against these guys, you have to prepare yourself for what you're about to go through, you have to be mentally strongly 为了能够跟这些家伙同台竞技,你必须准备好面对你所要经历的,你必须有强大的意志
Probably the mind is the main difference between good players and great players 心态可能是好球员和伟大球员之间最大的区别
My mind is always going through situations to help us get the edge 我头脑里总是在模拟场上的各种情况来帮助我们掌握优势
Stolen by LeBron James and flushes it down 詹姆斯抢断 一记大力灌篮
You have to prepare you mind before you start preparing phisically 你得先做好心理准备,再做身体上的准备
Night in, night out that's probably my biggest advantage 没日没夜的训练,那可能是我最大的优势
Being one step ahead, sometimes, it even comes to a case when you got to be two steps ahead 领先别人一步,有些时候,甚至你得你得领先别人两步
Mentally you have to be tough 你得做到内心强大
because going up against the best athletes in the world, you need to be like been through it all 因为与世界上最好的运动员竞争,你必须得事先考虑到所有情况