
This 2000 seat soccer stadium is powered entirely by green energy. Forest Green Rovers chairman Dale Vince took over the club eight years ago with the goal of implementing sustainable solutions.

这个容量达2000个座位的足球场完全由绿色能源提供供能。绿森林漫游者俱乐部主席戴尔 文斯(Dale Vince)8年前接手了这个足球场,他的目标是实行可持续解决方案。

We’ve got solar panels on the roof of the stand behind me. We make 20 percent of all our electricity here from those panels, the rest we bring in from windmills from around the country. And that was just the start. We have an electric kit van, we use electric pull cars, we’ve got charging points out the front for our fans. So they can come to a game plug in and get home again. And food, we’re vegan which is the biggest difference, anybody can make with their diet.


Twenty-eight-year-old left back Joseph Mills who joined the club earlier this summer, says he’s often asked about the team’s vegan diet. When you speak to other players from other clubs, they always ask about the vegan side of things. And obviously in and around the training ground in the stadium, and with the fans come in to the games, they obviously get to see and taste the food. And for what I’ve seen in tasting so far it’s been brilliant. And players have responded well to the plant-based menu, says head chef Jade Crawford. They said it was really good that look more energy from milk because your body’s not taking so long to digest milk in the dairy products you know.

28岁的约瑟夫(Joseph Mills)是左后卫,他是今年初夏时加入这家俱乐部的。他说总有人问他球队的素餐。跟其他俱乐部的球员聊天时,他们也总是会问到素食这方面的问题。显然,在体育馆训练场的里里外外,随着观赛球迷数量的增多,自然就有机会欣赏并品尝食物。目前我看到的品尝体验都是很棒的。球员们对素餐也都反馈良好,主厨杰德 克劳福德(Jade Crawford)如是说道。他们都说,这样吃很好,可以从牛奶获取更多的能量,因为身体在乳制品中消化牛奶就不需要很久了。

And the Plainfield head groundskeeper Adam Witchell has treated the team’s gas powered mower for one that runs on solar. He’s especially proud of the team’s organic field that he says is 100 percent pesticide free. We use no chemicals and no products that contain animal by-products. Everything is plant-based. We try to feed the microbes in the soil to help do the work, to help grow the grass. We just drip feed that with things like seaweed, carbohydrates, bacterium and minerals really.

普莱恩菲尔德球场的管理员亚当 威切尔(Adam Witchell)将球队的燃气割草机换成了太阳能割草机。他尤其为球队的有机草坪感到自豪,因为这草坪没有使用杀虫剂。我们不会使用含有动物副产品的化学品和产品。所有东西都是纯天然的。我们也试着培育土壤里的微生物来帮助土壤生长。我们喂养的食材包括但不限于海藻、碳水化合物、细菌和矿物质。

It’s the small things that make a difference, says United Nations Miguel Naranjo. Especially with sports organizations, they have such a big visibility such influence on the whole community that it’s a great opportunity to teach people, to show people actually how they can do it also at home. Based in the town of Nailsworth with the population of less than 6000, Forest Green Rovers may be small. But Naranjo says the team is a big inspiration showing that even the smallest organization can make a big difference.

联合国米格尔 纳兰霍(Miguel Naranjo)说,小事情会产生大不同。对于体育组织来说尤为如此,因为他们要活在公众的视野下,对整个社会有很大的影响力,所以也有很好的机会来教育他人,让大家知道自己在家可以如何效仿。由于地处总人口不到6000的奈尔斯沃斯镇,所以绿森林漫游者可能是很小的一支球队了。但纳兰霍认为,这只球队可以给人很大的启示——即便组织渺小也可以大有作为。
