大家说英语 第452期:我喜欢音乐(2)(在线收听

   Hi, Susie. Nice ukulele. 嗨,苏西。这把尤克里里真不错。

  Thanks, Ben. I'm teaching myself a new song. Do you play an instrument? 谢谢,本。我在自学一首新歌。你会弹奏一种乐器吗?
  Yes. I play the guitar. I sing and write my own songs, too. 是的。我弹吉他。我也唱并且写自己的歌曲。
  That's great. 太棒了。
  I have a lot of fun. 我从中获得了很多乐趣。
  What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢哪种音乐?
  I like all kinds of music. I listen to all kinds. 我喜欢各种音乐。我也会听各种音乐。
  So do I! 我也是!
  What are you humming, Linda? 琳达,你在哼哼什么呢?
  Oh, just a song. I heard it on the radio. Now it's stuck in my head! 哦,就是一首歌。我在电台上听到的。现在在我脑海里挥之不去。
  That happens to me, too. 我也会这样。
  When songs get stuck in my head, I try to play them on my violin. 当歌曲扎根我的脑海里的时候,我会在我的小提琴上弹奏。
  Is that easy? 很简单吗?
  Sometimes. I like to play by ear. 有时候是。我喜欢凭自己的听觉来弹奏。
  So do I. But I'm not very good at it. 我也是。但是我不是非常擅长此道。
  Hi, Ben. Ben! 嗨,本。本!
  Hi, Taylor. 嗨,泰勒。
  What are you listening to? 你在听什么?
  I'm listening to One Direction's latest album. I like the drums in this song. 我在听单向组合的最新专辑。我喜欢这首歌里的鼓声。
  One Direction is OK, but I like Adele better. 单向组合很不错,但我更喜欢阿黛尔。
  She's good. I went to one of her concerts last year. I go to concerts as often as I can. 他很棒。我去年去过她的一场演唱会。我只要有机会就去看演唱会。
  I go to concerts as often as I can! 我也是只要有机会就去看演唱会!