英国学生科学读本 第105期:他们是怎么生长的?(在线收听

   How do They Grow? 他们是怎么生长的?

  This is only a blade of grass; 这一片草叶青青,
  But how does it grow? Does any one know? 它是怎么生长的,有谁说得清?
  The seasons come, and the seasons pass, 四季的脚步匆匆,来了又消失无踪,
  And with every year the grass we have here, 在阳光和细雨中,每年都有小草,
  So green and bright in the sun and rain; 出现在这里,生满浓绿的希望;
  And then it is brown when the snow comes down 当雪花飘落,草色变成了枯黄,
  But green and fresh in the spring again. 但来年春天,又彼上了翠绿的新装
  This is only a little girl; 这一个女孩小小,
  But how does she grow? Does any one know? 她是怎么成长的,有谁能知道?
  With her hair of gold and her teeth of pearl, 金子般的头发,珍珠般的牙齿,
  From a baby so wee she will grow to be 从襁褓中的婴儿,她会改换形象,
  A maiden as fair as a blooming rose; 长成明媚的女子,如同玫瑰的盛放;
  But no one can say, as day follows day, 但一天又一天里,草叶和女孩的生长
  How a blade of grass or a little girl grows. 却没有一个人,说得出具体的模样