英国学生科学读本 第113期:雪之歌(在线收听

   Snow Song 雪之歌

  I hear a bird chirp in the sun; 我听见一只小鸟,在阳光下啼啭,
  He flutters and hops to and fro; 它飞来飞去,左跳右跳;
  His tiny light tracks, one by one, 把纤细的脚印一个个,
  He prints on the new-fallen snow. 在新落的雪上印好:
  Little bird, sing! 小鸟,歌唱吧!
  Sun, give his wing A flicker of gold as you go! 大阳,照耀吧!请给它的翅膀,镶上金边一条!
  Make a smooth path for him, Snow! 雪姑娘,请你把他的前路凊扫!
  I see a child out there at play; 我看见一个孩子,在户外游玩,
  His footfall is light on the snow; 雪地的脚步轻轻,宛若小鸟;
  His curls catch a swift golden ray 太阳的金光缠绕在卷发上,
  Of the sun, while the merry winds blow. 欢乐的风声,在他耳边回响
  Little child, run! 孩子,飞跑吧!
  Shine on him, Sun! 大阳,照耀吧!
  Blow him fair weather, Wind, blow! 风啊,请将晴朗的天气送到,
  Make a white path for him, Snow! 雪姑娘,请你把白色的路基筑牢!
  The little bird’s home is the sky, 小鸟的家,若不是天地
  Or the ground, or a nest in the tree. 就是鸟巢,隐在枝叶之间;
  The little child some day will fly 有朝一日,那孩子也将
  From his doorstep, new regions to see. 飞出家门,把新的世界发现
  Bird-like and free 愿他晴日的飞翔,
  May his sunny flight be! 自由像鸟儿一样!
  And wherever on earth he may go, 愿地上的脚印,洁白胜雪,
  May his footsteps be whiter than snow! 不管他将来,去向何方!