美国学生历史 第13期:弗吉尼亚和马里兰(3)(在线收听

   38. Religious Intolerance. 38.宗教不容忍

  In 1625 King James died, and his son Charles became king. 1625年,国王詹姆斯死去,
  He left the Virginians to themselves for the most part. They liked this. 他的儿子查理继位,他极度放任弗吉尼亚人为所欲为,
  But they did not like his giving the northern part of Virginia to a Roman Catholic favorite, Lord Baltimore, with the name of Maryland. 但是,弗吉尼亚人不满意的是,查理将弗吉尼亚北方地区送给罗马天主教徒罗德·巴尔的摩,并称其为马里兰。
  Many Roman Catholics soon settled in Lord Baltimore's colony. 许多罗马天主教徒到巴尔的摩的殖民地定居。
  The Virginians feared lest they might come to Virginia and made severe laws against them. 弗吉尼亚人感到害怕,唯恐他们来到弗吉尼亚并制定针对弗吉尼亚人的严酷法律。
  Puritan missionaries also came from New England and began to convert the Virginians to Puritanism. 清教徒传教士也从新英格兰赶来,开始向弗吉尼亚人传教。
  Governor Berkeley and the leading Virginians were Episcopalians. 总督伯克利和大多数弗吉尼亚人都是圣公会教徒,
  They did not like the Puritans any better than they liked the Roman Catholics. 他们讨厌罗马天主教徒和清教徒,
  They made harsh laws against them and drove them out of Virginia into Maryland. 制定了针对这些人的严酷法律并将他们从弗吉尼亚赶到马里兰。
  39. Settlement of Maryland. 39.马里兰的聚居地
  Maryland included the most valuable portion of Virginia north of the Potomac. 马里兰包括波特马克以北,弗吉尼亚最为富庶的地方,
  Beside being the owner of all this land, Lord Baltimore was also the ruler of the colony. 巴尔的摩不仅是这块陆地的拥有者,还是这块殖民地的总督,
  He invited people to go over and settle in Maryland 他邀请人们到马里兰参观和定居,
  and offered to give them large tracts of land on the payment of a small sum every year forever. Each man's payment was small.  并以收缴少量年税的方式向他们提供大块的土地。
  But all the payments taken together, made quite a large amount which went on growing larger and larger as Maryland was settled. 但是,定居者的到来使得收益总量大得惊人,而且越来越大。
  The Baltimores were broad-minded men. 巴尔的摩的人胸襟开阔,
  They gave their colonists a large share in the government of the colony 他们给殖民政府中的殖民者大量分红,
  and did what they could to bring about religious toleration in Maryland. 并竭力促成马里兰的宗教容忍。
  40. The Maryland Toleration Act, 1649. 40.《马里兰宽容法案》反抗运动(1649年)
  The English Roman Catholics were cruelly oppressed. No priest of that faith was allowed to live in England. 英国的罗马天主教徒深受残酷压迫,英国不允许天主教牧师在英国驻足,
  And Roman Catholics who were not priests had to pay heavy fines simply because they were Roman Catholics. 那些不是牧师的罗马天主教徒不得不支付高昂的罚金,原因很简单——他们是罗马天主教徒。
  Lord Baltimore hoped that his fellow Catholics might find a place of shelter in Maryland, 罗德·巴尔的摩希望他的教徒们能够在马里兰找到生存之所,
  and many of the leading colonists were Roman Catholics. 并希望多数殖民者头领都是罗马天主教徒。
  But most of the laborers were Protestants. Soon came the Puritans from Virginia. 但是,大部分劳动者都是新教徒,很快清教徒从弗吉尼亚赶来,
  They were kindly received and given land. 他们得到热情的接纳并被给予土地,
  But it was evident that it would be difficult for Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, and Puritans to live together without some kind of law to go by. 但是,对于罗马天主教徒、圣公会教徒和清教徒而言,没有任何法律约束而聚居在一起,显然非常困难,
  So a law was made that any Christian might worship as he saw fit. 因此,就制定了一部所有基督徒都觉得适当而遵从的法律。
  This was the first toleration act in the history of America. 这是美国历史上的第一部信仰自由法令,
  It was the first toleration act in the history of modern times. 是现代史上第一部信仰自由法令。
  But the Puritan, Roger Williams, had already established religious freedom in Rhode Island. 但是,清教徒罗格·威廉姆斯已经在罗得岛确立了宗教自由。
  41. Maryland Industries. 41.马里兰的工业
  Tobacco was the most important crop in early Maryland. But grain was raised in many parts of the colony. 烟草是早期马里兰最重要的作物,但是,这个殖民地的大部分地区也种植谷物,
  In time also there grew up a large trading town. This was Baltimore. 随着时间推移这里形成一个大的商贸集镇,这就是巴尔的摩。
  Its shipowners and merchants became rich and numerous, while there were almost no shipowners or merchants in Virginia. 巴尔的摩的船主和商人变成了富人,并且越来越多,而在弗吉尼亚则没有船主和商人,
  There were also fewer slaves in Maryland than in Virginia. 而且,马里兰的奴隶也比弗吉尼亚少。
  Nearly all the hard labor in the former colony was done by white servants. 前期的殖民地的所有重体力劳动几乎都是由白人雇佣工来做,
  In most other ways, however, Virginia and Maryland were nearly alike. 然而,在其他多个方面,弗吉尼亚和马里兰都非常相似。