美国学生历史 第143期:民主党与辉格党(3)(在线收听

   317. Election of 1840. 317.1840年选举

  General William Henry Harrison was the son of Benjamin Harrison of Virginia, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 威廉·亨利·哈里森将军是弗吉尼亚人本杰明·哈里森的儿子,后者是签署通过《独立宣言》的人之一。
  General Harrison had moved to the West and had won distinction at Tippecanoe, and also in the War of 1812. 哈里森将军曾移居西部,他在提皮克努和1812年战争中获得荣誉,
  The Whigs nominated him in 1836, but he was beaten. 1836年辉格党曾提名他为总统,但他竞选失败。
  They now renominated him for President, with John Tyler of Virginia as candidate for Vice-President. 此时,辉格党再此提名哈里森为总统,并提名弗吉尼亚的约翰·泰勒为副总统侯选人。
  Van Buren had made a good President, but his term of office was associated with panic and hard times. 凡·伯伦做了一任好总统,但他的任期与恐慌和艰难时代相伴。
  He was a rich man and gave great parties. 他很富有爱讲排场,
  Plainly he was not a "man of the people," as was Harrison. 显而易见不像哈里森那样是"人民的儿子"。
  A Democratic orator sneered at Harrison, and said that all he wanted was a log cabin of his own and a jug of cider. 一名民主党的演讲者嘲笑哈里森,说哈里森所想要的只是一个属于他自己的圆木小屋和一壶苹果汁。
  The Whigs eagerly seized on this description. 辉格党赶紧按照这个描述,
  They built log cabins at the street corners and dragged through the streets log cabins on great wagons. 在街道的角落里修建圆木小屋,并用大马车拖着圆木小屋在大街上慢条斯理地走。
  They held immense open-air meetings at which people sang songs of "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too." 他们还召开大量的露天会议,人们在会上齐唱"还是提皮克努和泰勒"之歌。
  Harrison and Tyler received nearly all the electoral votes and were chosen President and Vice-President. 哈里森和泰勒几乎获得了所有的选票,他们被选为总统和副总统。
  318. Death of Harrison, 1841. 318.哈里森之死(1841年)
  The people's President was inaugurated on March 4, 1841. 人民的总统在1841年3月4日宣誓就职,
  For the first time since the establishment of the Spoils System a new party came into control of the government. 这是有"政党分赃制"以来第一次有一个新的党派掌管政府,