英语PK台 第618期:好书推荐《蓝血》《雀喙之谜》(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Jingjing visits Mark where he works.
Jingjing: What's that you're reading, Mark?
Mark: Oh, this is the first actual book I've read in a year or so.
Jingjing: Well, it's a first for me, to see you reading.
Mark: Ha ha. I read dozens of books every year. But I've been using my phone for that.
Jingjing: You're a bookworm! I have a Kindle reader. Have you thought about getting one of those?
Mark: I know Kindles do less harm to the eyes than phones or computers. But I don't feel like springing for another device.
Jingjing: Hmm. You still haven't answered my earlier question. What book are you reading now?
Mark: Oh, this? I just started it. It's called Blue Blood. It's written by a guy who was a police officer in New York.
Jingjing: Can I see it?
Mark: Sure. Here.
Jingjing: It says the author is "Harvard educated". Did he go to Harvard first and then join the police force?
Mark: I saw that on the cover also. So far, in the book, he's not said anything about his education.
Jingjing: It looks like you still have a long way to go.
Mark: Yeah, I'm just about a hundred pages into it. He's got a lot to say—more than 500 pages of cop stories, tales of his family and how New York changed through the years.
Jingjing: It sounds pretty sprawling.
Mark: Yeap, it sprawls all right. I like it though. Anything in a narrative is interesting to me, especially non-fiction narrative about the author's own experiences.
Jingjing: How about you loan it to me after you're finished reading?
Mark: Remind me in a couple weeks, then you can have it.
New words: 习语短语
bookworm 爱读书,阅读量大的人
someone who reads lots of books
spring (for something) 买东西,买贵的不实用的东西
to buy something expensive that might not be necessary
device 电子设备
an electronic item with many functions, like a smartphone or a tablet PC
sprawl 扩散的, 散乱的,有些不知所云的
a type of writing that includes lots of different stories and details, sometimes making it difficult for the reader to know the main idea
narrative 叙述
writing that tells a story
non-fiction 非虚构类
writing about real events, rather than made-up ones
Dialogue 2
a week later
Jingjing: How's life treating you, Mark? Still working on that book, I see.
Mark: I sure am. It's the kind of book you can read in bits. It's a page-turner in places.
Jingjing: I usually read something cover to cover in a few days, or don't finish it at all.
Mark: You must have lots of unfinished books in your library.
Jingjing: Well, there are a lot of books on my Kindle that I got into and then stopped. I finish most of the books I start reading though.
Mark: What do you read, mostly?
Jingjing: I don't read so much fiction—though I did in college. Nowadays I use reading as a way to expand my knowledge, to learn about something I haven't studied yet.
Mark: Wow! What's something you've been learning about recently?
Jingjing: I just finished a book written by two scientists, a couple, who spent several months on the Galapagos Islands.
Mark: It's not called Beak of the Finch, is it?
Jingjing: Yeah, that's the one! You've read it?
Mark: I looked through it for a paper I had to write in school.
Jingjing: Wow! Small world! What'd you think of it?
Mark: Um, actually, I don't remember much from it. It was passionately written, and a pretty good first-hand account of how scientists can observe evolution.
Jingjing: Uh huh. That's an okay summary. How about I let you have it next time I see you.
Mark: If you could part with it, I wouldn't mind re-reading it.
Jingjing: Oh, wait a tic! I have it here on my Kindle.
Mark: Yeah, yeah. I might have to get one of those.
New words: 习语短语
a page-turner 引人入胜的
a book that keeps you interested in what will happen next in the story, so that you read it quickly without stopping
(read something) cover to cover 从头至尾地读
Galapagos Islands 岛屿名
several islands far to the west of South America, with unusual animals
(it's a) small world 世界真小啊,真巧啊
a coincidence (when two people have met the same person at different times or have had the same experience, thought it wasn't likely)
a first-hand 一手的
account when someone tells the story of their own experience
summary 梗概 大意
a few main points from a story or an article
to re-read (something) 重读
to read something again
wait a tic 稍等
wait a moment, let's not be too rushed