绿野仙踪 第100期:飞猴(1)(在线收听

 Chapter 14. The Winged Monkeys 第14章 飞猴

You will remember there was no road--not even a pathway--between the castle of the Wicked Witch and the Emerald City.  大家应该还记得在坏女巫的城堡和翡翠城之间,是没有路的——哪怕一条小路也没有的。
When the four travelers went in search of the Witch she had seen them coming, and so sent the Winged Monkeys to bring them to her.  他们从翡翠城出发去找寻坏女巫时,倒是坏女巫先看见了他们,因此派了飞猴,把他们抓到这里来的。
It was much harder to find their way back through the big fields of buttercups and yellow daisies than it was being carried.  他们倘使要穿过阔大的毛茛和鲜艳的雏菊的田野,他们的返程,比起那次被飞猴驮到黄色城堡,显然困难得多了。
They knew, of course, they must go straight east, toward the rising sun; and they started off in the right way.  当然,他们很清楚,必须对准着起来的太阳,径直朝东方走;他们就用了这方法。
But at noon, when the sun was over their heads, they did not know which was east and which was west,  但是在中午,当太阳照在他们的头顶上时,就难以分辨哪里是东方,哪里是西方,
and that was the reason they were lost in the great fields.  没走多久,他们便迷失在茫茫的田野里了。
They kept on walking, however, and at night the moon came out and shone brightly.  无论如何,他们马不停蹄地走着,直到天黑,月亮出来了,明亮地照着。
So they lay down among the sweet smelling yellow flowers and slept soundly until morning--all but the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. 除了稻草人和铁皮人以外,他们都在散发着淡淡香气的深红色的花丛中,躺下来睡去了。
The next morning the sun was behind a cloud, but they started on, as if they were quite sure which way they were going. 第二天,太阳藏在云后,他们照样赶路,似乎他们知道,应该走哪一条路似的。