英语PK台 第707期:一年一个好习惯,过环保极简新生活(在线收听

 Make everyday Earth day

Dialogue 1
Jingjing: What's happening, Mark? Did you do anything special for Earth Day?
Mark: You mean like give presents or eat cake?
Jingjing: No, of course it's not that kind of holiday.
Mark: Well, I usually make one change each year to reduce my carbon footprint. Last year, I stopped buying bottled water and started carrying around this metal one.
Jingjing: Yeah, I've seen you carrying that same blue bottle. What else do you do?
Mark: Um, I also try to use fewer plastic bags. At home I have some cloth bags I bring with me for shopping.
Jingjing: I do that also. And you'll hardly ever see me with a plastic bottle.
Mark: That's good. But I really don't have any ideas what I could change this year.
Jingjing: Do you take taxis often?
Mark: Naw, I cut that out a long time ago, not just because it was bad for the environment but also because it was eating up my money every month.
Jingjing: Well, you're not very wasteful. Let me try to think of something. I'll have more ideas next time I see you.
Mark: You've got work to do, I see. Let's talk after you're finished with it.
Jingjing: Great. See you soon.
New words: 习语短语
carbon footprint 碳足迹
the amount of resources consumed and pollution caused by one person (or company)
cut that out 在生活中戒掉
quit it, remove it from your lifestyle
eating up 消费过多
using, consuming too much
Dialogue 2
Mark: Jingjing, are you all done with work for the day?
Jingjing: I've finished what I need to do in the office. I'll do a bit more once I get home.
Mark: I'm heading out now too. Let's ride the subway together.
Jingjing: Sure. Hey, I gave some thought to your Earth Day question.
Mark: Yeah, don't hold back.
Jingjing: Well, do you get together with friends often?
Mark: I know where you're going with that. I used to be more of a social butterfly. Now I just see friends once a week or so, and put them together instead of running around town to meet different people.
Jingjing: That's what I was gonna suggest.
Mark: My cell phone was broken for a few weeks, and I realized how nice it was not to have to answer calls and messages all the time.
Jingjing: I'm glad my cell phone worked last week. A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend and needed someone to talk to for a few hours at a coffee shop. I'm glad I saw the message.
Mark: Yeah, you never know when your friends are really gonna need you.
Jingjing: Right. On the other hand, someone I hardly know invited me to a big party. I wanted to lie and tell them I was broke, but ended up spending a lot of money to go there.
Mark: Well, hopefully you had a good time. It's hit or miss with social stuff like that.
Jingjing: I agree. I guess it's not wasteful.
New words: 习语短语
don't hold back 别犹豫,别介意,尽管做
don't hesitate to tell me something, even if it might upset me
where you're going 接下来可能要说的
what you are likely to say next
a social butterfly 善于交际的人
someone who has many friends and is always shifting their attention from one to another
hit or miss 尝试后才知值不值得
not always likely to succeed (or be worthwhile), so that one doesn't know until after they've tried each time