乔布斯传 第440期:工作室探奇(3)(在线收听

   He can get a sense of the sweep of the whole company, the iPhone and iPad, the iMac and laptop and everything we're considering. 他能够把握公司的全局,包括iPhone、iPad、iMac和笔记本电脑,以及其他我们正在考虑的产品。

  That helps him see where the company is spending its energy and how things connect. 这可以令他看清公司的主要任务是什么,以及各种事物之间的联系。
  And he can ask, "Does doing this make sense, because over here is where we are growing a lot?" or questions like that. 他会问:“有意义吗?它是否会让我们快速成长?”或者类似的问题。
  He gets to see things in relationship to each other, which is pretty hard to do in a big company. 他能够看出事物之间的联系,这对于一个大公司的管理者来说绝非易事。
  Looking at the models on these tables, he can see the future for the next three years. 单凭桌上的模型,他就能看出公司在未来3年的发展。
  Much of the design process is a conversation, a back-and-forth as we walk around the tables and play with the models. 在我们的设计过程中,对话占据了很大一部分。当我们在桌旁把玩模型的时候,有些对话是反复进行的。
  He doesn't like to read complex drawings. He wants to see and feel a model. He's right. 他不喜欢看复杂的固纸。他需要亲眼见到并感受这些模型。他是对的。
  I get surprised when we make a model and then realize it's rubbish, 当我发现我们做出的模型只是一堆垃圾时,我惊讶极了,
  even though based on the CAD (computer-aided design) renderings it looked great. 虽然它们从计算机辅助设计的角度来讲是没有问题的。
  He loves coming in here because it's calm and gentle. 他喜欢来这里,因为这里安静而温馨。
  It's a paradise if you're a visual person. 如果你是一个注重视觉感受的人,你一定会觉得这里是天堂。
  There are no formal design reviews, so there are no huge decision points. 这里没有死板的设计评价,所以也没有气氛严肃的表决。
  Instead, we can make the decisions fluid. 我们会顺利地作出决定。
  Since we iterate every day and never have dumb-ass presentations, we don't run into major disagreements. 正因为我们每天都保持沟通,而且从来也没有死气沉沉的汇报,所以我们也没有大的分歧。