
Here in this country, former POW and Senator John McCain was known as a maverick, a politician unafraid to break with his Republican party.

美国人将前战俘、参议员约翰 麦卡恩(John McCain)自由不羁之人,因为作为一位政治家,他不惧与共和党闹翻。

This is a failed policy in Iraq. It’s not going to work. It’s got to be changed.


That ability to put belief over politics is respected by these Americans. They’re from both parties and they stood in line for up to 6 hours to say goodbye.


I’m sorry that we lost him. I’ll be thinking sorry that he’s gone.


And he’s a great man. Such a decent man, you know. He shows the best of America.


The 81 year old former presidential candidate died of brain cancer on August 25th. Senator McCain was given the honor of lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda before burial.


The past is cast. I’ll be thinking from my freedom.


McCain was a Navy pilot shot down over Vietnam in 1967, he spoke about it in this rare interview with French TV.


McCain suffered more than 5 years of torture as a prisoner of war. During that time Khan Vu was growing up in Saigon. He admired McCain’s character.

麦凯恩被俘有5年多之久,期间他饱受折磨。麦凯恩被俘期间正是可汗 维(Khan Vu)在西贡长大的时候。可汗 维很敬仰麦凯恩的品格。

He didn’t hate the leaders of Vietnam, instead he came back to Vietnam, shaking hands with them like family members do, with the intention to build the world together.


After his release, McCain was elected to senator of the state of Arizona. He ran for president in 2000 and again in 2008, when he won the Republican nomination but lost to Barack Obama.

得到自由身之后,麦凯恩当选为亚利桑那州的参议员。2000年和2008年,他曾两次竞选总统一职。但虽然得到了共和党的提名,他还是输给了巴拉克 奥巴马(Barack Obama)。

Though the highest office eluded him, he attained what is far more enduring, the abiding affection of his fellow citizens and an example for future generations.


Liberty Ladd couldn’t agree more.

利伯蒂 拉德(Liberty Ladd)深以为然。

Polarization whether it’s on the far left or if is on the far right, what we can learn, what my generation can learn from him is working across the aisle.


In his farewell words released after his death, Senator John McCain wrote ‘we have always had so much more in common with each other than in disagreement.’ A man who even in death is unifying.

