向前一步:第122期 真实地表达自己的想法与情绪(18)(在线收听

   And then he asked, "Do you want a hug?" I did. 然后他问我:“你想要一个拥抱吗?”我点了点头。

  It was a breakthrough moment for us. I felt closer to him than ever before. 这对我们俩来说是一个突破性的时刻,我感觉和他的距离更近了。
  I then recounted this story publicly, figuring that it might make it easier for others who have faced unwanted tears. 后来我常在公开场合讲这件事。
  The press reported the incident as "Sheryl Sandberg cried on Mark Zuckerberg's shoulder," which is not exactly what happened. 媒体对此报道说“谢丽尔·桑德伯格靠在马克·扎克伯格肩头哭泣”。完全不是这样。
  What happened was that I expressed my feelings and Mark responded with compassion. 事实上,我表达出了自己的感受,扎克伯格也报以了充分的理解与同情。
  Sharing emotions builds deeper relationships. 分享自己的情绪,能够帮助我们建立更深层的人际关系。
  Motivation comes from working on things we care about. It also comes from working with people we care about. 工作的积极性源自我们对事情的关注度,也源自对他人的关心。
  To really care about others, we have to understand them—what they like and dislike, what they feel as well as think. 为了做到真正关心别人,我们必须理解他们——理解他们喜欢什么、不喜欢什么,理解他们的感觉和想法。
  Emotion drives both men and women and influences every decision we make. 不管男人还是女人,在做决定时都会受到情绪的驱使。
  Recognizing the role emotions play and being willing to discuss them makes us better managers, partners, and peers. 承认情绪的作用,去面对它、接纳它,这会让我们更好地工作,建立更顺畅的人际关系。
  I did not always understand this. 我以前也不太理解这一点。
  I used to think that being professional meant being organized and focused and keeping my personal life separate. 我常常想,专业水准高意味着处事有条不紊,精力高度集中并且能把工作和个人生活分开。
  Early on at Google, Omid and I would have a one-on-one meeting each week. 最初在谷歌的时候,奥米德·柯德斯塔尼和我每周都会一对一地开会。
  I would enter his office with a typed agenda and get right to it. 我会带着打印好的日程表走进他的办公室,开门见山地讨论工作。